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Single Process Deployment

When installing the lite version of Wyn Enterprise using the Enable Single-process deployment checkbox, in Step-6 of the installation process you have the option to select PostgreSQL or SQLite database for built-in database. The lite version of Wyn Enterprise uses PostgreSQL or SQLite as the primary database and Duck DB as the analysis database.

With the single-process deployment of Wyn Enterprise, all the workers (Report, Dashboard, COT, etc.) and services (Identity, Scheduler, Memory DB, etc.) are embedded in a single process that significantly reduces the general memory usage.

Run the Wyn Installer application from the Downloads folder and follow the below steps to install the Lite Version of Wyn Enterprise,

  1. Software Agreement and Installation Configuration:

    Agree to the terms of service and select the Enable encrypted database connection string checkbox to secure your connection string. Click Next to Proceed.

    Select the Enable single-process deployment checkbox to install the Lite Version of Wyn Enterprise. Click Next to Proceed.

  2. Credentials, Software Register, and Installation:

    Note down the admin credentials or change the password using the Change Password checkbox. Select the checkbox, add a new password, and confirm the password. Click Next to proceed.

    Fill in your basic details such as your name, company name, email address, etc., and click Install(S) to install the necessary files.

    Installation of all the necessary files on your Windows machine will commence automatically. It may take up to several minutes to complete, do not close the window.

  3. Database Options:

    Choose and set a database for Wyn Enterprise from the two options – Built-in Database and Custom Database as described below,

    • Built-in Database: To use a built-in database, choose this option and click Start Program(S) to proceed with the database setup. By default, this option is selected.

    • Custom Database: To use a custom database, choose this option, select a database, fill in the corresponding configuration details, click Test Connection to verify the connection, and click Start Program(S). The available databases in Wyn Enterprise are – Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. See the Custom Database Configurations section of the Perform GUI Installation help doc for more information on the database configuration details.

    Wait until the installation of the database configurations is complete. It may take a few minutes.

  4. Open Wyn Portal:

    Well Done!!

    Wyn Enterprise is installed successfully. Now, click Open Portal(O) to open the Wyn portal on your default browser