- Getting Started
- Administration Guide
User Guide
- An Introduction to Wyn Enterprise
- Document Portal for End Users
Data Governance and Modeling
- Data Binding Concepts
Introduction to Data Sources
- Connect to Oracle
- Connect to SQL Server
- Connect to MySQL
- Connect to Postgres
- Connect to Snowflake
- Connect to SQLite
- Connect to DM
- Connect to TiDB
- Connect to AnalyticDB(MySQL)
- Connect to GreenPlum
- Connect to TimeScale
- Connect to Amazon Redshift
- Connect to MariaDB
- Connect to ClickHouseV2
- Connect to MonetDB
- Connect to Kingbase
- Connect to GBase8a
- Connect to GBase8s
- Connect to ClickHouse
- Connect to IBM DB2
- Connect to IBM DB2 iSeries/AS400
- Connect to Google BigQuery
- Connect to Hive (beta)
- Connect to ElasticSearch (beta)
- Connect to Hana
- Connect to Excel
- Connect to JSON
- Connect to CSV
- Connect to XML
- Connect to MongoDB
- Connect to ElasticSearchDSL
- Connect to InfluxDB
- Connect to SSAS
- Connect to ODBC
- Connect to OData
- Connect to TDengine
- Connect to Teradata
- Connect to Doris
- Introduction to Data Model
- Introduction to Direct Query Model
- Introduction to Cached Model
- Introduction to Datasets
- How To
- Secure Data Management
- Working with Resources
- Working with Reports
- Working with Dashboards
- View and Manage Documents
- Understanding Wyn Analytical Expressions
- Section 508 Compliance
- Subscribe to RSS Feed for Wyn Builds Site
- Developer Guide
Connect to OData
To create a OData data source in Wyn Enterprise, follow these steps.
On the Resource Portal, navigate to Create (+) > Create Data Source.
Select Odata in the data source list on the left or in the icon view on the right.
Fill in the database configuration information for the selected data source.
Field | Description |
Name* | The name for the data source that you want to specify, e.g. OData1. |
Url* | A Url address of the data source, e.g. |
AuthMode* | You can choose an authentication mode from None, Basic and OAuth2. If the AuthMode is Basic, you need to set the user name and password. If the AuthMode is OAuth2, you need to set Client Id, Client Secret, UserName, Password, and Scope. |
Use Table/Field Name Mapping | If you check this option, you can either import a CSV file or manually enter the display names for the required tables or fields in the Mapping dialog. |
* Required fields
Click Create after the successful connection.
You can view the added data source in the Categories tab of the Resource Portal.