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Cluster Setting

Cluster Setting helps you to decide whether the bubble map will show the cluster points or not. When using a map with Geographic Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) for visualizing data on a map, sometimes the number of data points is too much to show as individual points. You can use the Show Cluster property, to show groups of points at zoomed-out levels. You can expand the groups to individual points by zooming in on the map area. By default, this property is set to False. When this property is set to True, bubble size represents the group's points number, and it can show the points number label for the cluster point. Zoom in the map, the cluster point can be split into several smaller cluster points.

Apply Cluster Setting in Bubble Map

To add cluster setting in Bubble Map to your dashboard scenario, follow the below instructions,

  1. Navigate to the Data Visualization tools and drag and drop the Bubble Map scenario onto the dashboard designer area.

    drag and drop bubble map

  2. Select a dataset from the Data Binding tab with the bubble map scenario selected to bind to the scenario. Drag and drop the appropriate data fields in the Latitude and Longitude data containers. Drag and drop other appropriate fields in the Size, Color, Tooltip, and Drill Down data fields as well. See the help article on the Drill Down feature for more information on drilling into hierarchical data.

    drag and drop data fields

  3. From the Inspector Panel properties on the right side of the dashboard designer window, you can view the Cluster Setting. Under the Cluster Setting, you can see the Show Cluster property. By default, this property is set to False. When the Show Cluster property is set to True, the bubble size represents the group's points number, and it can show the "points number" label for the "cluster" point. Zoom in the map, the cluster point can be split into several smaller "cluster" points.

  4. When Show Cluster is set to True, then you can see 2 more cluster properties:

  • Cluster Color: Select the color in which you want to show the clusters.

  • Data Label Font Setting: You can select the Font Type and Font Size from here. Please note, here the Font Style is disabled.

    cluster settings_ 1

  1. Now preview the dashboard. On preview:

  • If you hover over a cluster point that has several points, a tooltip can show Cluster Data as the title and show Point Count as shown below.

    preview dashboard

  • If you hover over a cluster point that only has one point, the tooltip shows the point's tooltip information, as shown below:

    one cluster point


As one cluster represents several individual points, so some abilities may be restricted if Show Cluster property is set to True. Listed below are the limitations:

  • Can not cross filter when clicking Cluster point.

  • Can not add conditional format for the Cluster point.

  • Can not support drill down for the Cluster point.

  • The original data roles Size and Color will take no effect.

  • Legend and original data labels are not shown.

  • The carousel will not work.