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[GET] /api/v2/common/custom-themes

Retrieves a list of custom themes available for the user.


Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


[POST] /api/v2/common/custom-themes

Creates a new custom theme based on the provided model.

Request Schema



Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


[GET] /api/v2/common/custom-themes/status/{sessionId}

Retrieves the status of a theme building session.


Name Type Located In Description
sessionIdRequired string path The ID of the session to check the status for.


Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


[POST] /api/v2/common/custom-themes/{id}/upgrade

Upgrades a custom theme to a new version.


Name Type Located In Description
idRequired string path The ID of the theme to upgrade.


Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


Status Code: 404

Not Found


[PUT] /api/v2/common/custom-themes/{id}

Saves changes to an existing custom theme.


Name Type Located In Description
idRequired string path The ID of the theme to save changes for.

Request Schema



Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


Status Code: 404

Not Found


[DELETE] /api/v2/common/custom-themes/{id}

Deletes a custom theme identified by the specified ID. This method checks if the theme exists and if it is currently in use before attempting to delete it.


Name Type Located In Description
idRequired string path The unique identifier of the custom theme to be deleted.


Status Code: 204

No Content

Status Code: 400

Bad Request


Status Code: 404

Not Found



Ƭ CustomThemeViewModel

Represents the view model for custom themes.

Name Type Description Example
listNullable CustomThemeItem Gets or sets the list of custom theme items.
canEdit Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can edit the theme.
hashProductionVersion Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether to hash the production version.
pluginStyleCacheDirectoryNullable Array<string> Gets or sets the list of plugin style cache directories.

Ƭ CustomThemeItem

Represents an individual custom theme item.

Name Type Description Example
idNullable string Gets or sets the unique identifier of the theme.
created ISO DateTime Sting Gets or sets the creation date of the theme.
pluginVersionNullable string Gets or sets the plugin version associated with the theme.
displayNameNullable string Gets or sets the display name of the theme.
variables ThemeVariablesViewModel
outOfDate Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the theme is out of date.

Ƭ ThemeVariablesViewModel

Represents the view model for theme variables.

Name Type Description Example
dark_theme Boolean Gets or initializes a value indicating whether the dark theme is enabled.
accent1Nullable string Gets or initializes the first accent color.
accent2Nullable string Gets or initializes the second accent color.
content_bgNullable string Gets or initializes the background color for content.
panels_bgNullable string Gets or initializes the background color for panels.
content_textNullable string Gets or initializes the text color for content.
text_contrastNullable string Gets or initializes the contrast color for text.
nav_bgNullable string Gets or initializes the background color for navigation.
nav_textNullable string Gets or initializes the text color for navigation.
portal_header_bgNullable string Gets or initializes the background color for the portal header.
portal_header_textNullable string Gets or initializes the text color for the portal header.
toolbar_bgNullable string Gets or initializes the background color for the toolbar.
toolbar_textNullable string Gets or initializes the text color for the toolbar.
toolbar_heightNullable string Gets or initializes the height of the toolbar.

Ƭ ServerPluginError

Server plugin error

Name Type Description Example
codeNullable string error code
messageNullable string error message
contextNullable string error context
innerError ServerPluginError

Ƭ CreateUpdateCustomThemeResponseModel

Represents the response model for creating or updating a custom theme.

Name Type Description Example
sessionIdNullable string Gets or sets the session identifier for the create/update operation.

Ƭ CreateCustomThemeRequestModel

Represents the request model for creating a custom theme.

Name Type Description Example
displayNameNullable string Gets or sets the display name of the custom theme.
variables ThemeVariablesViewModel

Ƭ ThemeBuilderStatusViewModel

Represents the view model for the status of the theme builder.

Name Type Description Example
statusEnum ThemeBuilderStatusEnumViewModel
descriptionNullable string A description of the current status.
errorCodeNullable string An error code if the status is failed.
documentIdNullable string The document identifier associated with the theme.
progress any The progress percentage of the theme building process.

Ƭ ThemeBuilderStatusEnumViewModel



Represents the possible statuses of the theme builder.

* RUNNING - 0 - The theme builder is currently running.
* SUCCESS - 1 - The theme building process was successful.
* FAILED - 2 - The theme building process has failed.

Ƭ UpgradeCustomThemeResponseModel

Represents the response model for upgrading a custom theme.

Name Type Description Example
versionNullable string Gets or sets the version of the upgraded theme.
sessionIdNullable string Gets or sets the session identifier for the upgrade.

Ƭ SaveCustomThemeRequestModel

Represents the request model for saving a custom theme.

Name Type Description Example
commentNullable string Gets or sets the comment associated with the custom theme.
variables ThemeVariablesViewModel
sessionIdNullable string Gets or sets the session identifier for the custom theme.