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[POST] /api/v2/data/datasources

Add new DataSource.

Request Schema



Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


[PUT] /api/v2/data/datasources/{id}

Update data source.


Name Type Located In Description
idRequired string path Data source id. For example: 15fd3940-e83c-19d7-246d-81b2ccb7e195

Request Schema



Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


Status Code: 404

Not Found


[GET] /api/v2/data/datasources/{id}

Queries the details of a specific data source by its ID and optionally by its version.


Name Type Located In Description
idRequired string path The unique identifier of the data source to query.
version int32 query The version of the data source to query. If not specified, the latest version is used.


Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


Status Code: 404

Not Found


[GET] /api/v2/data/datasources/{id}/download

Download a datasource document.


Name Type Located In Description
idRequired string path document id. For example: 05bb029e-0d75-dc4d-671b-87299a4a6907


Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


Status Code: 404

Not Found


[POST] /api/v2/data/datasources/search

Queries data sources with pagination based on the provided search criteria, including support for multi-tenancy, user context, and extraction status.

Request Schema



Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


[GET] /api/v2/data/datasources/task-status/{taskId}

Query data source task status by task id.


Name Type Located In Description
taskIdRequired string path Task id, prefixed with "datasource:". For example: datasource:a10f7bbc-a416-46e5-ab19-e79e2293a88a


Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


Status Code: 404

Not Found


[GET] /api/v2/data/datasources/providers

Retrieves a list of available data source providers.


Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


[GET] /api/v2/data/datasources/{id}/query

Query datasource.


Name Type Located In Description
idRequired string path datasource id
query string query query
queryType string query query type
format string query format
UnknownTypeHandle string query unknown type handle
MissParameterHandle string query miss parameter handle
RowLimit string query row limit


Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


Status Code: 404

Not Found


[POST] /api/v2/data/datasources/{id}/query

Query datasource.


Name Type Located In Description
idRequired string path datasource id

Request Schema



Status Code: 200



Status Code: 400

Bad Request


Status Code: 404

Not Found



Ƭ AddDataSourceResponseViewModelV2

Response of add data source.

Name Type Description Example
idNullable string Data source id.
nameNullable string Data source name.
providerNullable string Data source provider.
supportNativeQuery Boolean Data source provider support native query.
isNativeDataProvider Boolean Data source provider is native data provider.

Ƭ DatasetPluginErrorV2

Dataset plugin error model

Name Type Description Example
codeNullable string Error code
messageNullable string Error message
contextNullable string Error context
innerError DatasetPluginErrorV2
extendedResultNullable any Extended result

Ƭ AddDataSourceRequestViewModelV2

Request of add data source.

Name Type Description Example
name string Data source name. "Data source name."
provider string Data source prvider. "SqlServer"
connectionString string Connection string. "Server=host; Database=Database; User ID=sa; Password=Password;"
useAdvancedConfig Boolean Whether to use the advanced configuration connection string. If not use the advanced configuration connection string, the ConnectionString need to be Server="host";User ID="sa";Password="Password";Database="Database". true
extractInDatabase Boolean Whether to extract data into the database. When the connectionString contains the SourceType field and the SourceType field is not "File System", ExtractInDatabase needs to be true
mappingConfigNullable string The table/field name mapping.

Ƭ UpdateDatasourceResponseViewModelV2

Response of update data source.

Name Type Description Example
idNullable string Data source id.
nameNullable string Data source name.
providerNullable string Data source provider.
useAdvancedConfig Boolean Whether to use the advanced configuration connection string.
connectionStringNullable string Connection string.
mappingConfigsNullable TableMappingInfoViewModelV2 The table/field name mapping.

Ƭ TableMappingInfoViewModelV2

Represents the mapping information for a table within a data source in version 2, including its original and display names, as well as its column mappings.

Name Type Description Example
tableOriginalNameNullable string The original name of the table as defined in the data source.
tableDisplayNameNullable string The name of the table intended for display purposes, potentially more user-friendly or descriptive than the original name.
columnsNullable ColumnMappingInfoViewModelV2 A collection of column mapping information, representing the mapping between the original column names in the data source and their corresponding display names.

Ƭ ColumnMappingInfoViewModelV2

Represents the mapping information for a column within a data source in version 2, including its original and display names.

Name Type Description Example
columnOriginalNameNullable string The original name of the column as defined in the data source.
columnDisplayNameNullable string The name of the column intended for display purposes, potentially more user-friendly or descriptive than the original name.

Ƭ UpdateDataSourceRequestViewModelV2

Request of update data source.

Name Type Description Example
name string Data source name. "Data source name."
provider string Data source prvider. "SqlServer"
connectionString string Connection string. "Server=host; Database=Database; User ID=sa; Password=Password;"
useAdvancedConfig Boolean Whether to use the advanced configuration connection string. If not use the advanced configuration connection string, the ConnectionString need to be Server="host";User ID="sa";Password="Password";Database="Database". true
extractInDatabase Boolean Whether to extract data into the database. When the connectionString contains the SourceType field and the SourceType field is not "File System", ExtractInDatabase needs to be true
mappingConfigNullable string The table/field name mapping.

Ƭ DataSourceV2ViewModel

Represents a data source entity with configuration and metadata for version 2.

Name Type Description Example
displayNameNullable string The display name of the data source.
idNullable string The unique identifier of the data source.
nameNullable string The name of the data source.
fileNameNullable string The file name associated with the data source.
providerNullable string The provider of the data source.
useAdvancedConfig Boolean Indicates whether advanced configuration is used for the data source.
connectionStringNullable string The connection string for the data source.
mappingConfigsNullable TableMappingInfoViewModelV2 The mapping configurations for tables within the data source.
useUserContext Boolean Indicates whether user context is utilized in the data source.
useMultiTenant Boolean Indicates whether the data source supports multi-tenancy.
isExtracted Boolean Indicates whether the data source has been extracted.
supportNativeQuery Boolean Indicates whether the data source supports native queries.
supportDirectQuery Boolean Indicates whether the data source supports direct queries.
typeNullable string The type of the data source.
editorConfigNullable string The editor configuration for the data source.

Ƭ QueryDataSourcesWithPaginationResponseModel

Represents the response model for a query that retrieves a list of data sources along with pagination information.

Name Type Description Example
dataNullable DataSourceV2ViewModel A list of data source view models. Each model provides detailed information about a specific data source.
pagination PaginationModel

Ƭ PaginationModel

Represents the pagination details for a dataset query, including the size of the page, the current page number, and the total number of items.

Name Type Description Example
pageSize int32 Gets or sets the number of items per page. This determines how many items are displayed on one page.
pageNumber int32 Gets or sets the current page number. This is used to calculate the offset for the items to be displayed.
total int64 Gets or sets the total number of items across all pages. This is used to calculate the total number of pages available.

Ƭ QueryDataSourceWithPaginationModel

Represents the model for querying data sources with pagination and filtering options.

Name Type Description Example
pageSize int32 Gets or sets the size of the page for pagination. 10
pageNumber int32 Gets or sets the number of the current page for pagination. 1
orderByNullable string Gets or sets the criteria for ordering the results. "+name"
searchNullable string Gets or sets the search term used to filter the results. "sales"
useMultiTenantNullable Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether to filter results based on multi-tenancy. true
useUserContextNullable Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether to filter results based on user context.
isExtractedNullable Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether to filter results based on whether the data source has been extracted. true
providersNullable string Gets or sets the providers to include in the results. "SqlServer,Oracle"
filterProvidersNullable string Gets or sets the providers to exclude from the results. "MySQL"

Ƭ WorkerTaskStatusViewModelV2

Worker task status view model.

Name Type Description Example
taskIdNullable string Task id.
status WorkerTaskStatusEnumV2
statusTextNullable string Task status.
startTimeNullable ISO DateTime Sting Start time.
endTimeNullable ISO DateTime Sting End time.
errorMessageNullable string Error message.
errorMessageKeyNullable string Error message key.
contextNullable string Context.
extraInfoNullable string Extra info.

Ƭ WorkerTaskStatusEnumV2


  • Standby
  • Running
  • PrimaryTaskFinished
  • PrimaryTaskFaulted
  • PrimaryTaskUserCancelled
  • Finished

Task status.

* Standby - 0 - Standby.
* Running - 1 - Running.
* PrimaryTaskFinished - 2 - Primary task finished.
* PrimaryTaskFaulted - 3 - Primary task faulted.
* PrimaryTaskUserCancelled - 4 - Primary task was canceled by the user.
* Finished - 7 - Finished.

Ƭ DataSourceProvidersResponseModel

Represents the response model for a request to retrieve data source providers, containing a collection of data source categories and their respective providers.

Name Type Description Example
dataSourceProvidersNullable DataSourceCategoryViewModelV2 A collection of data source categories along with their respective providers.

Ƭ DataSourceCategoryViewModelV2

Represents the category and configuration details of a data source provider in version 2.

Name Type Description Example
nameNullable string The unique name identifier of the data source provider.
displayNameNullable string The display name of the data source provider for presentation purposes.
categoryNullable string The category to which the data source provider belongs.
editorConfigNullable string The editor configuration in JSON format, specifying the UI elements and behaviors for configuring the data source provider.
unavailable Boolean Indicates whether the data source provider is currently unavailable.
hasUserGuide Boolean Indicates whether there is a user guide available for the data source provider.

Ƭ QueryDataSourceRequestBody

Query data source request body

Name Type Description Example
datasourceParametersNullable string Datasource parameters
queryNullable string Query
queryTypeNullable string QueryType
formatNullable string Format
options Options

Ƭ Options

Name Type Description Example
unknownTypeHandleNullable string Unknown type handle
missParameterHandleNullable string Miss parameter handle
rowLimitNullable string Row limit