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Perform GUI Installation

When you install Wyn Enterprise in GUI mode, there are prompt messages and dialog boxes to help with the installation process. A series of screens also appear during the GUI installation process. In this article, you will learn how to install Wyn Enterprise using the GUI mode on Windows.

To Install Wyn Enterprise

Follow the below steps to install Wyn Enterprise on Windows.

  1. Download Wyn Enterprise.

    Note: You can also download the latest Online or Offline Windows Installer from the following link:

    Online Windows Installer

    Offline Windows Installer

  2. Double-click the downloaded installer (.exe) to start the installation process. The installer will prompt you to install PostgreSQL.

  3. Click the Next button to start the installation.

    Wyn Enterprise Installer

  4. Confirm the software agreement, set the installation directory, and click the Next button. By default, the files for a newly installed application in a system are stored here, C:\Program Files.

    You can also enable the option to encrypt the connection string in the configuration file here. For more information on encrypting or decrypting a connection string, visit this topic.

    Confirm the software agreement for Wyn Enterprise Installer

  5. To import the Wyn sample documents, select the Import sample documents option. Importing samples helps beginners learn how to use Wyn Enterprise.

    To deploy the lite version of Wyn Enterprise, select the Enable single-process deployment checkbox. The Lite version of the Wyn application features a reduced file size, ensuring a faster and more efficient user experience. See the Single-Process Deployment help article for more information on installing and using the lite version of Wyn Enterprises.

    Select components to install

  6. In the Credentials form, confirm the credentials for the admin login and click the Next button.

    Confirm the Admin credentials

  7. In the Software Registration form, fill in the details, and click the Install button. The registration details include the user's name, company, email, phone, city, state, country, and preferred mode of contact.

    Filling details in Software Registration Form

  8. Depending on your OS, the installer may ask for your permission to allow the application to make changes on your device, click Yes to continue.


    The installation process starts.

    Installation Progress Bar

  9. By default, Wyn Enterprise uses a built-in database for storing data. However, you can also use a custom database to meet your business requirements.

    • To use a built-in database, select the Built-in Database option and click the Start Program button to proceed further.

      Database selection in Wyn Enterprise

    • To use a custom database, select the Custom Database option and enter its corresponding configuration details in the form. For more details, see the Custom Database Configuration Options section.

      Database selection in Wyn Enterprise

      Verify the database configuration details using the Test Connection button, and then click the Start Program button to proceed further.

      Note: The installation process won't start till the database connection test is successful.

  10. Wait until the installation is finished.

    Wyn Enterprise Installation

    After the installation is complete, click Open Portal to open the Wyn Enterprise portal - http://localhost:51980 in the browser. The default credentials (if not changed while installation) that should be used are:

    Username: admin

    Password: admin

Custom Database Configuration Options

To use a custom database, you are required to enter its corresponding database configuration details during the installation process. In Wyn Enterprise, you can connect to any of the following database types - Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. The configuration details for each database are different and are described in the below tables.

Configuration Options for Microsoft SQL Server

The below table lists the database configuration options for Microsoft SQL Server.




Select the type for the database. Over here, set it to Microsoft SQL Client.

Single database mode

Choose whether to save the data to a single or multiple database(s).

If you select this option, the data is stored in one database i.e. wyn. Else, it is stored in three databases, i.e. wynserverdata, wyndatacache, and wynis.


Select whether to use Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. If you chose Windows authentication, enter the user name and password for the database connection. Else, enter the service account details.


Enter the host name or address.


Enter the port number, the default is 1433.

Extra Options

Specify the necessary options for the database connection.

* Required fields

Configuration Options for MySQL

The below table lists the database configuration options for MySQL.




Select the type for the database. Over here, set it to MySQL.

Single database mode

Choose whether to save the data to a single or multiple database(s).

If you select this option, the data is stored in one database i.e. wyn. Else, it is stored in three databases, i.e. wynserverdata, wyndatacache, and wynis.


Enter the host name or address.


Enter the port number, the default is 3306.

User Name*

Specify the user name to connect to the MySQL database.


Specify the password to connect to the MySQL database.

Extra Options

Specify the necessary options for the database connection. For example, 'SSL MODE', 'CertificateFile', and 'CertificatePassword'.

* Required fields

Note: The maximum allowed packet size in the MySQL database should not be less than 300 MB.

Configuration Options for PostgreSQL

The below table lists the database configuration options for PostgreSQL.




Select the type for the database. Over here, set it to PostgreSQL.


Enter the host name or address.


Enter the port number, the default is 5432.

User Name*

Specify the user name to connect to the PostgreSQL database.


Specify the password to connect to the PostgreSQL database.

Extra Options

Specify the necessary options for the database connection.

* Required fields

Configuration Options for Oracle

The below table lists the database configuration options for Oracle.




Select the type for the database. Over here, set it to Oracle.


Enter the host name or address.


Enter the port number, the default is 1521.

User Name*

Specify the user name to connect to the Oracle database.


Specify the password to connect to the Oracle database.

Service Name*

Specify the service name for the Oracle database.

Extra Options

Specify the necessary options for the database connection.

* Required fields

To Uninstall Wyn Enterprise

Follow the below steps to uninstall Wyn Enterprise on Windows.

  1. Go to the Control Panel, select Programs > Uninstall a program.

  2. From the list of installed programs, double-click Wyn Enterprise or right-click Wyn Enterprise and select the Uninstall/Change option.


  3. When uninstalling, you can specify whether to preserve the Wyn database using the Remove Database option. Note that once the database is removed, you cannot roll back this operation.

    Removing Database

  4. Click the Uninstall button to proceed further. Please wait for a few minutes till the uninstallation process is completed.

    Uninstalling Wyn Enterprise

  5. Click the Close button.

    Wyn Enterprise is uninstalled successfully.

    Uninstalling Wyn Enterprise