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Upgrade Wyn Enterprise to Latest Version

Wyn Enterprise automatically shows an update prompt at the top of the portal when its new version is available.

Wyn Enterprise Update Prompt

Caution: To ensure a seamless upgrade experience, it is essential to adhere to major version releases when upgrading to the latest version. Presently, the upgrade process does not support skipping versions.

Upgrade to Latest Version in Windows

The following section describes the steps to upgrade Wyn Enterprise to the latest version in Windows.

  1. Click the View more info link in the prompt to get details about the latest version such as its release date and summary.


  2. Click on View Detail button. You are redirected to another web page displaying the release notes for the latest version.


  3. Download and execute the update installer on your system.

  4. Click Upgrade to start the installation.


    The installation progress is displayed.


    Wait until the installation is finished.


Upgrade to Latest Version in Linux

The following section describes the steps to upgrade Wyn Enterprise to the latest version in Linux.

  1. Update the repository path in the Linux environment.

    For Ubuntu, use the following command.

    sudo bash -c 'echo "deb https://cdn.wynenterprise.io/BI/installation/apt/8.0/ /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wyn-8.0.list'

    For RHEL, CentOS, and openSUSE, use the following command.

  sudo bash -c 'echo "[wyn-8.0]
  name=Wyn Enterprise
gpgcheck=0" > /etc/yum.repos.d/wyn-8.0.repo'

2. Upgrade Wyn Enterprise to the new version.

For Ubuntu, use either of the following commands.

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get --only-upgrade install wyn-enterprise 


sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install wyn-enterprise

For RHEL and CentOS, use the following command.

sudo yum update wyn-enterprise 

For openSUSE, use the following command.

sudo zypper update wyn-enterprise 

Additional Steps to Upgrade Azure AppService to Latest Version

The following additional steps are required to be performed to upgrade Azure AppService with MonetDB data mapped to Azure file share:

  1. Stop Azure AppService.

  2. Remove MonetDB file share from container.

  3. Empty all files in the storage file share to remove all stored MonetDB files.

  4. Restart AppService to upgrade.

  5. Add the MonetDB fileshare to the container again.

  6. Restart the container.

  7. Refresh all dataset caches.