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Auditing Settings

Auditing allows you to track which reports are accessed and what is done with them.

  1. On the Admin Portal, navigate to Auditing Settings.

  2. Enter information for the settings, described below.

    Configure audit log information on Admin portal



Turn on Auditing

Turns on auditing.

Days to store auditing

Specify the number of days to store audit data.


Specify provider for a database in which to store the data – MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgresSQL, or Oracle.

Use Connection String

Turns on the Connection string field, if you just want to enter a connection string.


Enter the name of the host machine on which to store auditing data.


Enter the port number to use on the host machine.

Database name

Enter the name of the database in which to store auditing data.

User name

Enter the user name under which to log in to the database.


Enter the password to use for logging in to the database.

  1. Once you provide all the needed information, click Connect and then Save to save it and begin auditing.