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Preview Report

When you create a report in Wyn Enterprise, you must preview it in the Report Viewer to verify the final output of your report. The Report Viewer has numerous built-in features that enable you to print or export a report, zoom in or out of a report, search for any text or numbers in a report, navigate between the report pages, ability to save filters for reports which define the value of parameters, and more. All these features are useful when previewing a report in the Viewer and are briefly explained later in this topic.

Preview Report in the Viewer

To Preview a Report

Following are the different ways to view your report output in Wyn Enterprise.

Method 1

Under the Documents section on the portal, click the Preview button against the report whose output you want to see in the Report Viewer.
Preview a report
If you want to reload the report or preview the report in a new window, use the Reload or Preview Report in New Window button, respectively.

Method 2

In the Report Designer, click the Preview button to generate the report output in the Viewer.

Preview Report

Saving the Filters

You can save the filters for reports which define the value of the parameters. These filters can be used as quick settings for the parameters when previewing the reports. Instead of defining the parameters every time, you can use these preset filters to match the filters that were used in the preview.

Steps to save/manage the filters

  1. Under the Documents section on the portal, click the Preview button against the report whose output you want to see in the Report Viewer.

    Click Preview Icon

    Report preview is displayed.

  2. If the report has the parameters, then select the parameters and click Preview.

    Report Preview

  3. Click the Expand toolbar, and then click Filters option.

    Manage Filters

  4. Select the Save Current Data Filter.. option.

    Save New Data Filter dialog pop-up is displayed.

    Save New Data Filter

  5. Enter the details and click Save, to save the filters.

    The saved filter is now listed in the list.

    Saved Filter List

You can then use these filters as quick settings for the parameters when previewing the reports.

Viewer Toolbar

The following table lists the actions you can perform through the Viewer toolbar.

Toolbar Element Name Description
First Page Icon First Page Navigates to the first page of the report.
Previous Page Icon Previous Page Navigates to the previous pages in the report.
First Page Icon Next Page Navigates to the following pages in the report.
First Page Icon Last Page Navigates to the last page of the report.
Refresh Icon Refresh Refreshes the report to check for any new modifications or updates.
Cancel Icon Cancel Cancels the report rendering.
Back to Parent Icon Back to Parent Returns to the parent report in a drill-through page report.
Go Back Icon Go Back Takes Viewer to the previous view in the Viewer history.
Go Forward Icon Go Forward Takes the Viewer one step forward in the Viewer history.
Move Tool Icon Move Tool Allows to move a selection or an entire page by moving the mouse.
Zoom Out Icon Zoom Out Decreases the magnification of the report.
100 percent Icon 100% Displays the current zoom percentage. Allows you to select from the available zoom options - Zoom In, Zoom Out, 100%, Fit to Page and Fit to Width.
Zoom in Icon Zoom In Increases the magnification of the report.
Expand toolbar Icon Expand toolbar To view more options on the toolbar.
Toggle Fullscreen Icon Toggle Fullscreen Displays the report in fullscreen mode, hiding the entire UI.
Print Icon Print Displays the Print dialog to specify printing options.
Email Icon Email Emails the report to the designated email address(es) in the specified export format.
Single Page View Icon Single Page View Shows one page at a time in the Viewer.
Continuous View Icon Continuous View Shows all preview pages one below the other.
Galley Icon Galley Displays report in a single scrollable page.
Filters Icon Filters Gives the ability to save filters for reports which define the value of the parameters.
Search Icon Search Allows you to search for text with match-case and whole-word search options.
Export Icon Export Allows you to export to PDF, Excel, Word (docx), CSV, HTML, PNG, TXT, and JSON formats.
Expand or Collapse Icon Expand or Collapse Expands or collapses the sidebar panel for Search and Export options.

Email Report From the Preview Page

You can send the previewed report to email by using the Email option of the viewer.

Steps to Email a report:

  1. Preview the desired report in the viewer.

    Report preview is displayed.

    Report Preview

  2. On the Preview page, click the Email icon Email Icon on the viewer toolbar.


    You can, click the Export icon Export Icon on the viewer toolbar and select Delivery Type as Email.

    Export Icon.

    Delivery and Export sections are displayed.

    Delivery Section.

  3. Enter the relevant information (Email To, Reply To, Subject, Body, Export Format), and then click Send to Email to send the mail.

    Send to Email.

Note: Under the Export section, the Advanced Settings check box is not checked by default. You can check this checkbox to view and add the advanced settings.