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Create Web Page

By creating a Web Page you can easily integrate a URL in Wyn Enterprise. A Web Page can be integrated from Document or Resource Portal.

A Web Page is like every other document in Wyn Enterprise, which a user can edit, delete, download, assign to different categories, share within an organization, and do much more. A Web Page is also referred to as an integrated or comprehensive document of Wyn Enterprise having a specific URL. The Web Page URL can either be absolute or relative.

Note: A user can create a web page only when the Enable Webpage Documents option in the UI Settings of the Admin Portal is set as Yes. By default, this option is set as No.

In order to define a relative path for a Web Page URL, the admin must set the Webpage:AllowRelativeUrl option in the Wyn.conf file to True. By default, this option is set to False. Also, all the referenced web pages should be placed in the wwwroot folder of the Wyn Enterprise Portal.

To Create Web Page

Navigate to the Document or Resource Portal and follow the below instructions to create a web page,

  1. Click the Create (+) icon >> Create Web Page.

    Create a web page

    Note: You can add a web page only when you have the required permission to create it.

  2. Enter the absolute or relative path for the web page in the URL field.

    Specifying the URL for the web page

  3. Click Preview button to view the web page. And, click Save button to create the web page.

    Previewing the web page