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Use Case 9 - Sum by Product

Case 9: Calculating the sum of the list price of the products based on the colors


In this case, we will calculate the sum of the list price based on the products and their colors.

Steps for creating a dashboard

1. Drag a label slicer and bind it to the dataset and drag the Color to Columns.

Drag Color to Columns

2. Drag a column chart and bind it to the dataset and drag the ListPrice to Values and Color to Axis.

Drag fields ListPrice and Color

3. Drag another column chart and bind it to the dataset. Add a measure and name it SumListPrice-RemoveFilters and add the expression as given below.

SUMX ('Product', 'Product'[ListPrice] ),

4. Drag the measure SumListPrice-RemoveFilters to Values and Color to Axis.

Drag Measure SumListPrice-RemoveFilters and Color

5. Drag a Pivot table, and bind it to the dataset. Drag the measure SumListPrice-RemoveFilters to Values.

Drag Measure SumListPrice-RemoveFilters to Values

6. Now preview the dashboard and click All in the slicer. The sum of ListPrice for all the products for all the colors is displayed in both the column charts and in the pivot table as well.

Preview with All selected On Slicer

7. Now select only a few colors on the slicer (NULL, Black, Blue, Silver, White, and Yellow). The value for the Sum of ListPrice on the Chart 1 will be shown only for the selected colors on the slicers, but for Chart 2 and Pivot table, it will be calculated for all the colors as RemoveFilters function is applied in the measure SumListPrice-RemoveFilters ( used in Chart 2 and Pivot table) and it will remove all the filters. So, Chart 2 and Pivot table, will show the sum of ListPrice for all the colors and it will ignore any values selected in the slicer.

Preview with few Colors selected On Slicer