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Functional Roles for Workers

Functional roles in Wyn Enterprise determine the type of tasks that can be assigned to the workers. Wyn Enterprise offers three functional roles - Report Worker, Cot Worker, and Dashboard Worker. With the default configurations, all workers can perform all types of tasks. However, with functional roles, you get an option to configure specific roles for the workers. This aids in better managing the roles based on usage and available resources. This help article contains the instructions to configure functional roles for each type of worker in Wyn Enterprise deployed in a K8s environment.

The functional roles for each type of worker are listed in the tables below,

Report Worker Functional Roles

Functional Role



Handles rendering report visuals.


Handles scheduled tasks on reports.


Manages to export reports from Wyn.


Includes downloads, bursting, and thumbnail generation of reports.

Cot Worker Functional Roles

Functional Role



Used to refresh the dataset cache.


Used to refresh the data model cache.

Dashboard Workers

Functional Role



Manages exporting dashboards from Wyn.

Note: Since there is only one functional role for Dashboard Worker, configuring the functional role is not necessary.

Before configuring the functional roles, ensure the following,

  1. You have access to a Kubernetes (K8s) environment.

  2. Read the Deploying to Local Kubernetes help article to familiarize yourself with the K8s environment and Wyn installation.

  3. You have installed the Wyn Enterprise version 7.1.00145 or higher.

Steps to configure functional roles for each worker are described below,

Report Worker

To configure the above-mentioned functional roles for report workers.

All Functional Roles

To add all the functional roles to the environment variables, run the following command as shown in below code snippet. By default, workers can perform all functional roles.

cd services
vi reporting-worker.yaml
# Add all functional roles to environment variables.
- name: FunctionalRoles
  value: preview,scheduledTask,export,others

Update the text marked in green in the YAML file, as shown in the image below.



To specify only the preview functional role in the YAML file,

  1. Create a backup of the reporting-worker.yaml file in the Services folder using the following command:

    cd services
    mv reporting-worker.yaml reporting-worker.yaml.origin
  2. Create a new file named, reporting-worker-preview.yaml by copying the original file using the following command:

    cp reporting-worker.yaml.origin reporting-worker-preview.yaml
  3. Modify the worker names and add the preview functional role to the environment variables in reporting-worker-preview.yaml using the following command:

    vi reporting-worker-preview.yaml
    # Modify the worker name from 'wyn-reporting-worker' to 'wyn-reporting-worker-preview'
    # Add the preview functional roles to the environment variables
    - name: FunctionalRoles
      value: preview

Update the text marked in red to the text marked in green, as shown in the image below.


Note: Environment variables specify the configuration settings for workers. Adding only the preview functional role ensures that the worker is configured to handle only preview-related tasks.

Scheduled Task

To specify only the Scheduled Task functional role in the YAML file,

  1. Create a backup of the reporting-worker.yaml file in the Services folder using the following command:

    cd services
    mv reporting-worker.yaml reporting-worker.yaml.origin
  2. Create a new file named, reporting-worker-scheduledTask.yaml by copying the original file using the following command:

    cp reporting-worker.yaml.origin reporting-worker-scheduledTask.yaml
  3. Modify the worker names and add the ScheduledTask functional role to the environment variables in reporting-worker-scheduledTask.yaml using the following command:

    vi reporting-worker-scheduledTask.yaml
    # Modify the worker name from 'wyn-reporting-worker' to 'wyn-reporting-worker-scheduledTask'
    # Add the scheduledTask functional role to the environment variables
    - name: FunctionalRoles
      value: scheduledTask

Update the text marked in red to the text marked in green, as shown in the image below.


Note: Environment variables specify the configuration settings for workers. Adding only the ScheduledTask functional role ensures that the worker is configured to handle only schedule-related tasks.


To specify only the Export functional role in the YAML file,

  1. Create a backup of the reporting-worker.yaml file in the Services folder using the following command:

    cd services
    mv reporting-worker.yaml reporting-worker.yaml.origin
  2. Create a new file named, reporting-worker-export.yaml by copying the original file using the following command:

    cp reporting-worker.yaml.origin reporting-worker-export.yaml
  3. Modify the worker names and add the export functional role to the environment variables in reporting-worker-export.yaml using the following command:

    vi reporting-worker-export.yaml
    # Modify the worker name from 'wyn-reporting-worker' to 'wyn-reporting-worker-export'
    # Add the export functional role to the environment variables
    - name: FunctionalRoles
      value: export

Update the text marked in red to the text marked in green, as shown in the image below.


Note: Environment variables specify the configuration settings for workers. Adding only the export functional role ensures that the worker is configured to handle only export-related tasks.


To specify the Others functional role in the YAML file,

  1. Create a backup of the reporting-worker.yaml file in the Services folder using the following command:

    cd services
    mv reporting-worker.yaml reporting-worker.yaml.origin
  2. Create a new file named, reporting-worker-others.yaml by copying the original file using the following command:

    cp reporting-worker.yaml.origin reporting-worker-others.yaml
  3. Modify the worker names and add the others functional role to the environment variables in reporting-worker-others.yaml using the following command:

    vi reporting-worker-others.yaml
    # Modify the worker name from 'wyn-reporting-worker' to 'wyn-reporting-worker-others'
    # Add the others functional role to the environment variables
    - name: FunctionalRoles
      value: others

Update the text marked in red to the text marked in green, as shown in the image below.


Note: Environment variables specify the configuration settings for workers. Adding only the others functional role ensures that the worker is configured to handle only the download, bursting, and thumbnail generation tasks.

Cot Worker

To configure the above-mentioned functional roles for Cot workers.

All Functional Roles

To add all the functional roles to the environment variables, run the following command as shown in below code snippet. By default, workers can perform all functional roles.

cd services
vi cot-worker.yaml
 # Add all functional roles to environment variables.
- name: FunctionalRoles
value: cot,model

Update the text marked in green in the YAML file, as shown in the image below.


Refresh Dataset Cache

  1. Create a backup of the cot-worker.yaml file in the Services folder using the following command:

    cd services
    mv cot-worker.yaml cot-worker.yaml.origin
  2. Create a new file named, cot-worker-cots.yaml by copying the original file using the following command:

    cp cot-worker.yaml.origin cot-worker-cot.yaml
  3. Modify the worker names and add the refresh dataset cache functional role to the environment variables in cot-worker-cot.yaml using the following command:

    vi cot-worker-cot.yaml
    # Modify the worker name from 'wyn-cot-worker' to 'wyn-cot-worker-cot'
    # Add the refresh dataset cache functional role to the environment variables
    - name: FunctionalRoles
      value: cot

Update the text marked in red to the text marked in green, as shown in the image below.


Refresh Model Cache

  1. Create a backup of the cot-worker.yaml file in the Services folder using the following command:

    cd services
    mv cot-worker.yaml cot-worker.yaml.origin
  2. Create a new file named, cot-worker-model.yaml by copying the original file using the following command:

    cp cot-worker.yaml.origin cot-worker-model.yaml
  3. Modify the worker names and add the refresh model cache functional role to the environment variables in cot-worker-model.yaml using the following command:

    vi cot-worker-model.yaml
    # Modify the worker name from 'wyn-cot-worker' to 'wyn-cot-worker-model'
    # Add the refresh model cache functional role to the environment variables
    - name: FunctionalRoles
      value: model

Update the text marked in red to the text marked in green, as shown in the image below.
