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Functional Roles for Workers using Helm Chart

Functional roles in Wyn Enterprise determine the type of tasks that can be assigned to the workers. Wyn Enterprise offers three functional roles - Report Worker, Cot Worker, and Dashboard Worker. With the default configurations, all workers can perform all types of tasks. However, with functional roles, you get an option to configure specific roles for the workers. This aids in better managing the roles based on usage and available resources. This help article contains the instructions to configure functional roles for each type of worker in Wyn Enterprise deployed in a K8s environment using Helm charts. See the Functional Roles for Workers help article for detailed information on functional roles for all three workers.

Before configuring the functional roles, ensure the following,

  1. You have access to a Kubernetes (K8s) environment.

  2. The Helm Charts are installed on your system.

Follow the steps below to configure functional roles to workers in a K8s cluster using Helm charts,

  1. Add Helm Repository:

    Use the following command to add the helm repository of Wyn Enterprise,

    sudo helm repo add wyn https://cdn.mescius.com/wyn/repos/helm-charts/
    sudo helm repo update wyn
  2. Prepare Settings File:

    Specify the replicaSet field to assign specific tasks to different workers (report, cot, and dashboard). The replicaSet field contains five sub-fields:

    i.) name: Specify a unique name for each worker. This field is mandatory.

    ii.)replicas: Specify the number of replicas for each worker. This field is optional.

    iii.) roles: Specify the functional roles for each worker. This field is optional.

    iv.) selector: Specify the Kubernetes node selector for deploying the worker. This field is optional.

    v.) resources: Specify the resource requests and limits for the pod. This field is optional.

    The following example illustrates the cotWorker configuration section within the values.yaml file:

        enabled: true
            - name: wyn-cot-worker-dataset
            replicas: 2
            roles: cot
                kubernetes.io/hostname: node1
                cpu: "0.5"
                memory: "1Gi"
                cpu: "1"
                memory: "2Gi"
            - name: wyn-cot-worker-model
            replicas: 2
            roles: model
                kubernetes.io/hostname: node2
                cpu: "0.5"
                memory: "1Gi"
                cpu: "1"
                memory: "2Gi"
            - name: wyn-cot-worker
            roles: cot, model
                kubernetes.io/hostname: node3
                cpu: "1"
                memory: "2Gi"
                cpu: "2"
                memory: "4Gi"

    Using the above configuration settings to deploy Wyn, the system will consist of a total 5 COT workers, each worker serving a distinct role,

    • Dataset Cache: Two workers, wyn-cot-worker-dataset-0 and wyn-cot-worker-dataset-1, are used to refresh the dataset cache. Both workers operate on the Kubernetes node labeled, Node 1.

    • Data Model Cache: Two workers, wyn-cot-worker-model-0 and wyn-cot-worker-model-1, are used to refresh the data model cache. Both workers operate on the Kubernetes node labelled, Node 2.

    • Combined Cache: Additionally, a worker named wyn-cot-worker-0 performs dual tasks, refreshing the cache of both dataset and data model. This worker operates on the Kubernetes node labelled, Node 3.

    Note: For report workers, you can define functional roles in the same manner as described for the COT worker.

  3. Install or Upgrade Helm Chart:

    To install or upgrade your deployment after preparing the Settings file, you can utilize Helm charts using the following commands:

# To Install 
sudo helm install wyn -f values.yaml wyn/wyn-enterprise

#To Upgrade
sudo helm upgrade wyn -f values.myal wyn/wyn-enterprise