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Deploy Services

The Wyn architecture is composed of several services including scheduler service, datasource service, memory db service, analysis db primary node service, and analysis db service. Each service has its own set of functions and usage. For more information about these services, please see the Wyn Architecture.

In this section, you will learn how to deploy Wyn services in a distributed Linux environment.

Before You Begin

Ensure that MonetDB (specific version 11.41.5) is installed on the secondary node machine before deploying the Wyn services.

It is recommended to install the MonetDB version 11.41.5 because its version is the same as the built-in MonetDB version and is an actively updated database. If you try to install a different version, you might face breaking changes or other unknown issues.

Updating Configuration File on Primary Node

To modify the configuration settings on the primary node:

  1. Stop the Wyn Enterprise service on the primary node machine using the following command.

    sudo systemctl stop wyn

  2. Copy the following folders from the primary node machine to the secondary node machine, at this location – C:⧵Program Files⧵Wyn:

    • DatasourceService

    • jre

    • MemoryDBService

    • SchedulerService

    • AnalysisDBPrimaryNode

    • AnalysisDBService

    You can access these folders on the primary node machine through the installation directory.

    Note: Apart from the service folders, we have also copied the jre and MonetDB folders. This is because the datasource and memory db services are dependent on jre, while the analysis db service is dependent on MonetDB.

  3. Copy the wyndw folder from /var/monetdb5/dbfarm/ to the secondary node machine at the same location.

  4. Then, go to /opt/Wyn/Monitor/conf, and open the Wyn.conf file.

  5. Set the following to the IP address of the secondary node machine where you want to enable the services:

    • Serverhost of the SchedulerConfig element

    • AnalysisDBSeedNodes

    • DataSourceProxy

    • MemoryDBProxy

      Update Primary Node Conf File

  6. Remove the services you want to deploy on the secondary node machine, such as scheduler service, datasource service, memory db service, analysis db primary node service, and analysis db service.

  7. Save the changes, and close the configuration file.

Updating Configuration File on Secondary Node

To modify the configuration settings on the secondary node:

  1. Go to C:⧵Program Files⧵Wyn⧵Monitor⧵conf, and open the Wyn.conf file.

  2. Set the following to the IP address of the secondary node machine where you want to enable the services.

    • Serverhost of the SchedulerConfig element

    • AnalysisDBSeedNodes

    • DataSourceProxy

    • MemoryDBProxy

  3. Add the Services element to include the other services: scheduler service, datasource service, memory db service, analysis db primary node service, and analysis db service.

    Modifying the conf file on secondary node

  4. Then, save the changes in the configuration file.

Restarting Primary and Secondary Nodes

Restart primary and secondary node machines using GUI or terminal.

Deploying Multiple Scheduler Services

Wyn Enterprise introduces multiple deployments of the Scheduler Services with release 6.1 to improve stability. Multiple Scheduler Services should be deployed only when multiple servers are enabled. See the Deploy Servers help topic for information on deploying servers in the Wyn Enterprise application.

To deploy multiple Scheduler Services, prepare another secondary node and follow the below instructions,

  1. Stop the Wyn application on the primary node and copy the Scheduler Service folder from the primary node to the secondary node in the following folder - C:⧵Program Files⧵Wyn

  2. On the primary node machine, make the following modification in the Wyn.conf file to enable multiple scheduler service deployment,

    Enable Multiple Scheduler Service on Primary Node

    Few points to note when modifying the Wyn.conf file of the primary node machine,

    • When enabling multiple Scheduler Services, use SchedulerConfig >> SeedNodes instead of SchedulerConfig >> ServerHost.

    • The IP addresses of SchedulerConfig >> SeedNodes are the IP addresses of the secondary node where SchedulerService is enabled.

    • It is recommended to use the same database connection string as Server >> Storage. However, the database is different.

    • SchedulerService >> SchedulerConfig >> MultipleConfig >> DistributedMemoryCache >> ConfigString is the connection string of Redis. You can use the same connection string for Server >> Cache >> DistributedMemoryCache >> ConfigString.

  3. On the secondary node machine, make the following modifications in the Wyn.conf file to enable multiple scheduler service deployment,

    Enable Multiple Scheduler Service on Secondary Node

  4. On the another secondary node machine, make the following modifications in the Wyn.conf file,

    Enable Multiple Scheduler Service on Another Secondary Node

    Few points to note when modifying the Wyn.conf file of primary node machine,

    • SchedulerConfig under GlobalSettings is to be modified for all secondary nodes where Workers or Servers are installed.

    • When using Sys:String in Wyn.conf, add the following at the top of Wyn.conf file,

  5. Restart the Wyn Enterprise application on the primary node, and both the secondary nodes.