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Data Model Cache

The Data Model Cache page displays all the Data Model Caches created in the Wyn application in the Resource Portal.

A user can perform the following activities using the Data Model Cache page:

  • View all the Data Model Caches along with their status

  • Recreate the invalid Data Model Cache manually when the cache model cannot be edited or reloaded

  • Search the specific Data Model Cache

  • Sort Data Model Cache

  • View status information

View Data Model Cache

  1. On the Admin Portal, navigate to System Management > Data Model Cache.

    Data Model Cache page is displayed with all the Data Model Caches created in the Wyn application.

    Data Model Cache Page

    A user can view the cache models with only Invalid status by clicking the Show invalid data model cache with checkbox button at the top right portion next to the search box. These invalid Cache Models can be recreated.

Steps to Recreate an Invalid Data Model Cache

  1. On the Data Model Cache page, click the button Show invalid data model cache with checkbox.

    A list of all the cache models with Invalid status is displayed.

    View Data Model Cache with Invalid Status

  2. Select the checkbox corresponding to the cache model to be recreated and click the Recreate button.

    Recreate Data Model Cache

    A confirmation message is displayed if the Cache model is recreated.

  3. Click the Show all data model cache without checkbox button, to view the Recreated Data Model Cache

    View recreated Data Model Cache

  4. The status of the Cache Model just recreated will become Valid.

    Recreated Data Model Cache Status changed from Invalid to Valid

Note: All Invalid Data Model Caches cannot be recreated. In such cases Recreate cache failed error message is displayed. To view the details about the failure, click the Show Details button on the error message.

Search and Sort the Data Model Cache

  • A user can search for the specific Data Model Cache by entering the details in the search box on the top right corner of the page.

    Search for a specific Data Model Cache

    To clear the search box, click Close.

  • A user can sort the Data Model Cache based on the Name and Last Updated date by clicking the specific header.

    Sort Data Model Cache

Check the Cache status information

A user can check the details of the specific Cache Model status by clicking the info icon on the right side corresponding to it.

Info icon to view Data Model Cache Status Information

Cache status information is displayed.

Cache Status Information details

Click Close, to close the status information details.