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View Documents
In the Document portal, the Categories tab organizes the documents into custom categories and the Favorites tab lists out all the documents marked favorite. The documents can be organized by their Name, Type (report, dashboard, or web page), Updated By (username), and Updated (last update date) using the Up and Down arrows.
See the following image where documents in the Document portal are arranged alphabetically.
Note: It supports pagination for the documents list. Documents are listed page-wise, so it helps in terms of overall navigation and the process of listing the documents is also faster. You can specify the number of documents to be displayed per page from the drop-down list. Like here, we have selected 20 documents per page. If you want to go to a particular page, you can enter the page number in Go to and press Enter or click the page number, or you can use the Next Page/Previous Page arrows. This feature is available from Wyn 6.1 onwards.
You can edit the documents in Wyn Enterprise if you have the required permissions. You can also filter the documents by their types, edit document categories, and obtain additional information about the document.
Tile and List View
You can view the documents in a list view and tile view modes. In the above figure, by default, the documents are displayed in a list view. To view the documents in the tile view mode, click the Show documents as tile icon on the top right of the view. The documents will be listed in the tile view mode with the thumbnail as shown below.
Note: The default view is as per the view mode settings done by the administrator or its default setting.
To go back to the list view mode, click the icon Show documents as list
Note: The thumbnails will be displayed for the default installed sample documents (Reports, Report Templates, and Dashboards) only for fresh installations for Wyn version 7.0 and above. The existing documents will not be updated during the upgrades.
Adding a Thumbnail
You can add a thumbnail to the documents. These thumbnails will be visible in the Tile view mode. To add the thumbnail, follow the steps given below:
Select the document and click the Info tab.
Under the Properties section, click the Thumbnail icon.
An Open dialog box is displayed.
Select the image to be displayed as a thumbnail for the document and click Open.
The selected image will be displayed as a thumbnail.
Now you can see the added thumbnail in the Tile view mode.
Edit a Document
You can modify a document multiple times in Wyn Enterprise if you have the required editing permissions. To edit a document, use the Edit this document button on the top-right corner of the Document portal or the More button
next to the selected document as shown.
While editing the document, you can modify the content of the document, edit the properties of the scenarios, modify the layout and appearance, and so on. Make sure to save the changes made in the document else they will not be saved. You can also enter a comment before saving the document.
Filter By Document Type
Filter the documents by their types - report or dashboard - to narrow down the search results. When you click the Filter button on the top-right corner of the Document portal and select Dashboard, a list of available dashboards is displayed.
Note: You can filter a document by web page on the Document Portal only when the Enable webpage documents option in the UI Settings of the Admin Portal is set to 'True'. By default, this option is set to 'False'.
Edit Document Categories
The Document Categories are used to arrange the documents so that it is easy to find the documents. Generally, you assign a document category while saving the document. However, you can assign the document category after saving the document as well and can even change the document category for a saved document. To do this, either select the Edit Document Categories on the top-right corner of the Document portal or click the More button
next to the selected document and select Categories from the list.
Find Additional Information about Documents
You may need information on a document related to scheduled tasks, task history, permissions, or details about revisions in the documents. To find these details about a document, use the Info button on the top-right corner of the Document portal. When you click the Info button, the tabs Info, Scheduled Tasks, History, and Revisions provide details about the selected document, as shown in the following image.
The tabs are described as follows:
Info: Lists the basic details about a document - the name, description, thumbnail, updated, updated by, created by, created date, and referenced data documents (such as the datasets or data models used by the selected document). It also provides you the option to hide a document in the Document portal, edit the document categories, and modify the document permissions.
In addition to reports, you can customize the toolbar options for the Report Viewer and configure the report caching properties (such as allow cache, cache type, maximum cache age, and caching interval).
Note: The report caching properties are available only if the Admin has set the Enable Report Caching property in the Viewer Settings page of the Admin Portal to 'True'.
Tasks: Create a scheduled task for the document. You can choose to execute a schedule task as manual, one-time, or scheduled time, and send the results to a designated email address. For more information on scheduling tasks, visit the page Scheduled Tasks.
History: Provides the tasks history for a selected document, for example, details about the failed tasks, running tasks, canceled tasks, and completed tasks. It also shows the error details for the failed tasks.
Revisions: Provides the information about the recent revisions to a document and lets you examine the changes made in the document through comments. You can also revert back to a specific revision of the document to restore a previous version.