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[POST] /api/v2/data/datasets/{id}/export
Export dataset document.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | dataset document id. For example: 4d4dc304-8ae5-16e4-c790-a8b87a7246b2 |
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[PUT] /api/v2/data/datasets/cached-datasets/batch-refresh
Batch refresh dataset data.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[GET] /api/v2/data/datasets/{id}/download
Download a dataset document.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | document id. For example: 15fd3940-e83c-19d7-246d-81b2ccb7e195 |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[GET] /api/v2/data/datasets/cached-datasets/list
Get all cached dataset
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[GET] /api/v2/data/datasets/cached-datasets/cache-infos
Get all cached dataset
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
pageSize | int32 | query | The number of data displayed per page. -1 means all data. |
pageNumber | int32 | query | Current page number.Start from 1. |
orderBy | string | query | Indicates which column the data is sorted by. |
search | string | query | Name filter. |
invalid | Boolean | query | Whether to display only invalid data. |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/data/datasets/push-datasets/{id}/append-data
Add Push Dataset data by id.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Dataset id. For example: 96f08381-f07c-3b0f-5f43-e84491b1616b |
pushDataToken | string | query | Push data token |
Request Schema
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/data/datasets/push-datasets/{id}/clear-data
Delete Push Dataset data by datasetId according to conditions.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Dataset id. For example: 96f08381-f07c-3b0f-5f43-e84491b1616b |
pushDataToken | string | query | Push data token |
Request Schema
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/data/datasets/streaming-datasets/{id}/append-data
Add Streaming DataSet Data by id.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Dataset id. For example: 006fa63d-2b21-0433-5785-9c8751dba0b4 |
pushDataToken | string | query | Push data token |
Request Schema
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[GET] /api/v2/data/datasets/{id}/query
Query dataset.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | dataset id |
query | string | query | query |
queryType | string | query | query type |
format | string | query | format |
UnknownTypeHandle | string | query | unknown type handle |
MissParameterHandle | string | query | miss parameter handle |
RowLimit | string | query | row limit |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/data/datasets/{id}/query
Query dataset.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | dataset id |
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
Ƭ DatasetPluginErrorV2
Dataset plugin error model
Name | Type | Description | Example |
codeNullable | string | Error code | |
messageNullable | string | Error message | |
contextNullable | string | Error context | |
innerError | DatasetPluginErrorV2 | ||
extendedResultNullable | any | Extended result |
Ƭ DatasetExportModel
Represent a dataset export model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
parameters | DatasetParameterItem | Get or set dataset export parameters. | |
advancedSetting | ExportAdvancedSetting | ||
fileTypeNullable | string | Get or set dataset export file type. | "json" |
Ƭ DatasetParameterItem
Represent a dataset Parameter item.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
nameNullable | string | Get or set dataset export parameter name. | "age" |
valueNullable | Array |
Get or set dataset export parameter value. | [18,21] |
Ƭ ExportAdvancedSetting
Represent a dataset export advanced setting.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
encodingNullable | string | Get or set csv file encoding. | "utf-8" |
noHeader | Boolean | Get or set whether csv file has header. | true |
columnsDelimiterNullable | string | Get or set csv file columns delimiter. | "," |
rowsDelimiterNullable | string | Get or set csv file rows delimiter. | ";" |
formatted | Boolean | Get or set whether json file is formated. | true |
quotePropertyNames | Boolean | Get or set json file quote property names. | true |
limit | int32 | Get or set file limit size. | 100 |
Ƭ BatchRefreshDatasetTaskResultModel
Represent a result model of batch refresh task.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
datasetIdNullable | string | Get or set dataset document id. | |
success | Boolean | Get or set result of batch refresh task. | |
errorCodeNullable | string | Get or set error code when the task fails. | |
errorMessageNullable | string | Get or set error message when the task fails. | |
taskIdNullable | string | Get or set batch refresh task id. |
Ƭ BatchRefreshDatasetRequestModel
Represent a batch refresh model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
refreshDataSetIds | Array<string> |
Get or set refresh data set ids. | ["789ACE15-1C11-DFD0-312D-AA32EBA0AB67","51FC17FF-D490-42E1-D419-E7BBC83CCF53"] |
cotSearchEntryInfosNullable | SearchEntryInfo | Get or set COT search entry infos. |
Ƭ SearchEntryInfo
Represent a COT search entry info.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
tenantIdNullable | string | Get or set tenant id. | "D2DA4850-FBD0-7022-E471-E3AEDAA140E3" |
datasetIdNullable | string | Get or set dataset id. | "E2DD8243-8CD3-39F7-8FAE-E23E6AE0ECF2" |
Ƭ DatasetCachesResultModel
Represent a result model of getting dataset cache.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
lastErrorDataNullable | string | Dataset cache last refresh error data. | |
datasetIdNullable | string | Dataset document id. | |
titleNullable | string | Dataset document title. | |
displayNameNullable | string | Dataset cache display name. | |
creatorNameNullable | string | Dataset document creator name. | |
tenantIdNullable | string | Tenant id. | |
rowCount | int64 | Dataset cache data row count. | |
operationNullable | string | Datset cache operation. | |
lastUpdatedNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | Dataset cache last update time. |
Ƭ DatasetCachesListResultModel
Represent a result model of getting dataset cache.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
datasetQueryInfosNullable | DatasetCacheListQueryInfo | Dataset query info list. | |
pagination | PaginationInfo |
Ƭ DatasetCacheListQueryInfo
Represent dataset query info list.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
datasetIdNullable | string | Dataset document id. | |
titleNullable | string | Dataset document title. | |
displayNameNullable | string | Dataset cache display name. | |
creatorNameNullable | string | Dataset document creator name. | |
tenantIdNullable | string | Tenant id. | |
rowCount | int64 | Dataset cache data row count. | |
operationNullable | string | Datset cache operation. | |
lastUpdatedNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | Dataset cache last update time. | |
lastErrorDataNullable | string | Dataset cache last refresh error data. |
Ƭ PaginationInfo
Represent pagination info.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
pageSize | int32 | Data count per page. | |
pageNumber | int32 | Current page number. | |
total | int32 | Total data count. |
Ƭ InsertPushDataModel
Add Push Dataset Data
Name | Type | Description | Example |
columns | Array<string> |
Push Dataset data columns | ["id","name"] |
rows | Array<array> |
Push Dataset data rows | [[0,"Lisa"],[1,"Bob"]] |
overwrite | Boolean | Whether to fully overwrite the old data | true |
Ƭ ClearPushDataModel
Clear Push Dataset data
Name | Type | Description | Example |
columnNameNullable | string | Push Dataset data column name | "name" |
valueNullable | any | Push Dataset data column value | "Lisa" |
optionNullable | string | The option used for where clause. It supports >, <, = | "=" |
Ƭ InsertStreamingDataModel
Add Push Dataset Data
Name | Type | Description | Example |
columns | Array<string> |
Streaming Dataset data columns | ["id","name"] |
rows | Array<array> |
Streaming Dataset data rows | [[0,"Lisa"],[1,"Bob"]] |
overwrite | Boolean | Whether to fully overwrite the old data | true |
Ƭ QueryDataSetRequestBody
Query data set request body
Name | Type | Description | Example |
datasetParametersNullable | string | Datasource parameters | |
queryNullable | string | Query | |
queryTypeNullable | string | QueryType | |
formatNullable | string | Format | |
options | Options |
Ƭ Options
Name | Type | Description | Example |
unknownTypeHandleNullable | string | Unknown type handle | |
missParameterHandleNullable | string | Miss parameter handle | |
rowLimitNullable | string | Row limit |