- V1
- Common
- Custom-Themes
- Dashboard
- DataModel
- Dataset
- Datasource
- Documents
- Draft
- Identity
- Identity-Organization
- Identity-Role
- Identity-User
- K8s
- Language-Packages
- Languages
- QueueMonitor
- Reporting-CachingSettings
- Reporting-ExportTemplates
- Reporting-RenderResults
- Reporting-Reports
- Reporting-UserFunctions
- Scene
- Scheduler
- Shared-Resources
- Tags
- overview
[POST] /api/v2/common/tags/{tagId}/documents
Queries documents associated with a specific tag and paginates the results.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
tagIdRequired | string | path | The unique identifier of the tag used to filter documents. Expected format: UUID. Example: ab8dc626-2d0a-4a58-908a-35ad7ab30422 |
This method handles pagination based on the parameters provided in the model.
It filters documents by the specified tagId and applies additional filters and sorting as specified in the model.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[GET] /api/v2/common/tags
Retrieves information about tags based on various filters.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
tagId | string | query | The unique identifier of a tag. Used to filter results to include only this tag. Example: "12345" |
names | string | query | Comma-separated list of tag names. Used to filter results to include only these names. Example: "Tag1,Tag2" |
name | string | query | Single tag name. Used to filter results to include only this name. Example: "Tag3" |
filterByType | string | query | Filter to apply based on the document type. Example: "DocumentType" |
disableHideInDocumentPortalFilter | Boolean | query | Flag to disable the filter that hides documents in the document portal. Example: false |
isFromExportPage | Boolean | query | Flag indicating whether the query originates from an export page. Example: true |
needDocumentCount | Boolean | query | Flag indicating whether to include the count of documents associated with each tag in the response. Example: true |
type | string | query | The type of tags to query. Default is "all". Example: "custom" |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/common/tags
Adds a new tag to the system based on the provided tag details. This operation creates a tag with specified attributes including name, order, and permissions.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[PUT] /api/v2/common/tags/{tagId}
Updates the details of an existing tag identified by the tagId.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
tagIdRequired | string | path | The unique identifier of the tag to be updated. Expected format: UUID. Example: ab8dc626-2d0a-4a58-908a-35ad7ab30422 |
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[DELETE] /api/v2/common/tags/{tagId}
Deletes a tag from the system based on the provided tag ID.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
tagIdRequired | string | path | The unique identifier of the tag to be deleted. Expected format: UUID. Example: ab8dc626-2d0a-4a58-908a-35ad7ab30422 |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/common/tags/move
Moves a tag from one parent tag to another or changes its hierarchy within the tag structure.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Ƭ DocumentPaginationResponseModel
Represents the response model for a paginated document query.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
pagination | PaginationModel | ||
dataNullable | DocumentVO | A read-only list of document view objects (VOs) that represents the current page of documents. Each DocumentVO includes document metadata and any additional information required for display or processing. |
Ƭ PaginationModel
Represents the pagination information for queries that return a list of items. This model is used to manage the pagination of large datasets by specifying the size of each page and the current page number.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
pageSize | int32 | Gets or sets the number of items to be displayed on a single page. | |
pageNumber | int32 | Gets or sets the current page number. | |
total | int64 | Gets or sets the total count of items across all pages. |
Ƭ DocumentVO
Represents a view object for a document, encapsulating various metadata and state information.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
createdNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The creation timestamp of the document. | |
deletedNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The deletion timestamp of the document, if deleted. | |
modifiedNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The last modification timestamp of the document. | |
createdBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
modifiedBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
deletedBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
descriptionNullable | string | A brief description of the document. | |
displayNameNullable | string | The display name of the document. | |
extNullable | string | The file extension of the document. | |
hideInDocumentPortal | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is hidden in the document portal. | |
hideOnMobile | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is hidden on mobile devices. | |
idNullable | string | The unique identifier of the document. | |
isResource | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is a resource. | |
metaNullable | string | Metadata associated with the document. | |
organizationIdNullable | string | The organization ID associated with the document. | |
organizationIdPathNullable | string | The path of organization IDs associated with the document. | |
thumbnailNullable | string | The URL to the document's thumbnail image. | |
titleNullable | string | The title of the document. | |
typeNullable | string | The type of the document. | |
customPermissionsNullable | Array<string> |
Custom permissions associated with the document. | |
contentUrlNullable | string | The URL to access the document content. | |
revisionNo | int32 | The revision number of the document. | |
revisionContentUrlNullable | string | The URL to access the content of a specific document revision. | |
isSystemReserved | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is reserved by the system. | |
effectiveOpsNullable | string | Effective operations allowed on the document. | |
security | SecurityResponseModel | ||
referencesNullable | ReferenceResponseModel | References associated with the document. | |
revisionsNullable | RevisionResponseModel | Revision history of the document. | |
tagsNullable | TagResponseInfoModel | Tags associated with the document. |
Ƭ SampleUserResponseModel
Represents a simplified model of a user, providing essential information used in various response models.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | The unique identifier of the user. | |
nameNullable | string | The name of the user. |
Ƭ SecurityResponseModel
Security settings for a document.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
ownerIdNullable | string | Owner's unique identifier. | |
permissionsNullable | AclEntryQueryModel | Document access permissions. |
Ƭ ReferenceResponseModel
Represents a model for a document reference, including details about the document and its permissions.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the referenced document. | |
resourceNameNullable | string | The name of the resource the document is associated with. | |
resourceDocTypeNullable | string | The type of the resource document. | |
resourceDocNameNullable | string | The name of the resource document. | |
displayNameNullable | string | The display name for the reference. | |
metaNullable | string | Metadata associated with the document. | |
documentRevNullable | string | The revision of the document. | |
isDirectChild | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is a direct child of the parent document. | |
permissionNullable | string | The permission level on the document. | |
contentUrlNullable | string | The URL to access the content of the document. | |
minimalPermissionNullable | string | The minimal permission required to access the document. |
Ƭ RevisionResponseModel
Represents a model for a document revision, including details such as revision number, comments, metadata, and associated user information.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
no | int32 | The revision number. This is typically an integer that increments with each new revision. | |
commentNullable | string | A comment describing the changes made in this revision. | |
metaNullable | string | Metadata associated with the revision, potentially including details like tags or keywords. | |
createdBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
createdNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The date and time when this revision was created. | |
modifiedBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
modifiedNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The date and time when this revision was last modified. | |
contentUrlNullable | string | The URL to access the content of this revision. | |
referencesNullable | ReferenceResponseModel | A list of references associated with this revision, such as related documents or resources. |
Ƭ TagResponseInfoModel
Represents the response model for a tag, including its metadata and state.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | The unique identifier of the tag. | |
parentIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the parent tag, if any. | |
realNameNullable | string | The display name of the tag. | |
order | int32 | The display order of the tag among its siblings. | |
urlNullable | string | The URL associated with the tag, typically for navigation. | |
iconCssClassNullable | string | The CSS class for the tag's icon, used for visual representation. | |
colorNullable | string | The color associated with the tag, used for visual representation. | |
isFavorites | Boolean | Indicates whether the tag is marked as a favorite. | |
isPersonal | Boolean | Indicates whether the tag is personal to the user. | |
orgIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the organization associated with the tag. | |
documentCount | int32 | The count of documents associated with the tag. | |
nameNullable | string | The name of the tag used for identification and search. |
Ƭ AclEntryQueryModel
Defines ACL entry permissions for a sub-role.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
sub | RoleResponseModel | ||
opsNullable | Array<string> |
Authorized operations. | |
opflags | int32 | Operation flags for additional control. |
Ƭ RoleResponseModel
Represents a role within the system.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | Unique identifier of the role. | |
nameNullable | string | Name of the role. | |
typeNullable | string | Type of the role. |
Ƭ ServerPluginError
Server plugin error
Name | Type | Description | Example |
codeNullable | string | error code | |
messageNullable | string | error message | |
contextNullable | string | error context | |
innerError | ServerPluginError |
Ƭ DocumentTagPaginationRequestModel
Document pagination request model
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdNullable | string | Gets or sets the document ID. | "e3808c7e-c0e7-44da-96a2-200b3bb216c6" |
pageSize | int32 | Gets or sets the number of documents to display per page. | 10 |
pageNumber | int32 | Gets or sets the page number to display. | 1 |
orderByNullable | string | Gets or sets the field to order the documents by. | "creationDate" |
disableHideInDocumentPortalFilter | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable the hide in document portal filter. | |
filterByTypeNullable | string | Gets or sets the type of documents to filter by. | "report" |
isFromExportPage | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the query is from the export page. | |
searchNullable | string | Gets or sets the search keyword for document titles. | "annual report" |
createdTimeRangeNullable | Array<string> |
Gets or sets the range of created time for the documents. | |
modifiedTimeRangeNullable | Array<string> |
Gets or sets the range of modified time for the documents. | |
creatorNullable | string | Gets or sets the creator of the documents. | "John Doe" |
modifierNullable | string | Gets or sets the modifier of the documents. | "Jane Smith" |
lngNullable | string | Gets or sets the language code. | "en-US" |
extendQuery | ExtendQuery | ||
includeIndirectReference | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include indirect reference documents. This configuration only takes effect when the meaning represented by extendQuery includes Reference. |
true |
Ƭ ExtendQuery
Defines the options for extending a document query with additional information.
This enumeration allows for specifying which additional data should be included in a document query response.
It supports bitwise operations to combine multiple options.
* None
- 0 - No additional data is included.
* EffectiveOps
- 1 - Includes effective operations applicable to the document.
* Security
- 2 - Includes security information such as access control lists.
* References
- 4 - Includes references to other documents.
* Revisions
- 8 - Includes information about document revisions.
* Tags
- 16 - Includes tags associated with the document.
* All
- 31 - Includes all available extended information.
Ƭ TagResponseListModel
Name | Type | Description | Example |
tagsInfoNullable | TagResponseInfoModel |
Ƭ AddTagResponseModel
Represents the response model for adding a tag, containing the unique identifier of the newly added tag.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
tagIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the tag that was added. |
Ƭ TagsRequestModel
Represents the request model for creating or updating tags, including details such as name, order, and permissions.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
nameNullable | string | Gets the name of the tag. | "sales" |
urlNameNullable | string | Gets the URL-friendly name of the tag. | "sales" |
orderNullable | int32 | Gets the display order of the tag within its hierarchy or list. | 301266 |
organizationIdNullable | string | Gets the unique identifier of the organization to which the tag belongs. | "63191df0-9464-4cf7-8d4b-07a63208d209" |
isPersonal | Boolean | Indicates whether the tag is personal to the user. | |
parentIdNullable | string | Gets the unique identifier of the parent tag, if any. | "6825c89e-2a9b-494c-8e98-3d21bacd79fb" |
colorNullable | string | Gets the color associated with the tag. | "#FF5733" |
iconCssClassNullable | string | Gets the CSS class for the tag's icon. | "mdi mdi-account" |
grantNullable | AccessEntryDto | Gets a list of access permissions granted for the tag. |
Ƭ AccessEntryDto
Access entry Dto
Name | Type | Description | Example |
roleNullable | string | Role name | |
opsNullable | Operations | Operations |
Ƭ Operations
Ƭ UpdateTagResponseModel
Represents the response model for updating a tag, containing the unique identifier of the updated tag.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
tagIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the tag that was updated. |
Ƭ MoveTagRequestModel
Represents the request model for moving a tag from one parent to another or changing its position within the hierarchy.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
fromTagIdNullable | string | Gets the unique identifier of the tag that is being moved. | "fromTag123" |
toTagIdNullable | string | Gets the unique identifier of the destination tag. | "toTag456" |
updateParent | Boolean | Indicates whether the parent tag should be updated in the move operation. | true |
toParentTagIdNullable | string | Gets the unique identifier of the new parent tag, if the parent is being updated. | "newParent789" |