- V1
- Common
- Custom-Themes
- Dashboard
- DataModel
- Dataset
- Datasource
- Documents
- Draft
- Identity
- Identity-Organization
- Identity-Role
- Identity-User
- K8s
- Language-Packages
- Languages
- QueueMonitor
- Reporting-CachingSettings
- Reporting-ExportTemplates
- Reporting-RenderResults
- Reporting-Reports
- Reporting-UserFunctions
- Scene
- Scheduler
- Shared-Resources
- Tags
- overview
[PUT] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/thumbnails/upload
Upload documents thumbnail.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Document id. For example: 1E5D7247-450E-4383-B0DD-09D5CF651907 |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[DELETE] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/thumbnails
Delete specified document thumbnail.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Document id. For example: 1E5D7247-450E-4383-B0DD-09D5CF651907 |
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/referenced-documents/update
Updates documents that depend on the specified document to reference the latest version of the specified document.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Specified document id. For example: 1E5D7247-450E-4383-B0DD-09D5CF651907 |
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[DELETE] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}
Deletes a document by its ID. This operation can be either a soft delete or a hard delete based on configuration and request parameters.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | The unique identifier of the document to delete. For example: "1E5D7247-450E-4383-B0DD-09D5CF651907". |
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[GET] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}
Retrieves detailed information about a document using its unique identifier.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Document ID. Example: e3808c7e-c0e7-44da-96a2-200b3bb216c6 |
extendQuery | ExtendQuery | query | Detail level for query response. Example: References,Revisions |
includeIndirectReference | Boolean | query | Includes indirect references when true. Relevant with References in extendQuery. |
deleted | Boolean | query | True to query deleted documents only, false for non-deleted. |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/batch-delete
Performs a batch deletion of documents based on the provided request model. This operation can be configured to perform either a soft or hard delete.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/restore
Restore document.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Document id. For example: 1E5D7247-450E-4383-B0DD-09D5CF651907 |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/batch-restore
Batch restore documents.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[PUT] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/properties
Update document properties
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Document id. For example: 1E5D7247-450E-4383-B0DD-09D5CF651907 |
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/batch-hide-in-document-portal
Batch hide document in document portal.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/duplicate
duplicate document. use range: data model, dataset, report, dashboard, language resource.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Document id. For example: 1E5D7247-450E-4383-B0DD-09D5CF651907 |
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/{documentId}/tags/{tagId}
Adds a specified tag to a document.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
documentIdRequired | string | path | The unique identifier of the document to which the tag will be added. |
tagIdRequired | string | path | The unique identifier of the tag to be added to the document. |
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[DELETE] /api/v2/common/documents/{documentId}/tags/{tagId}
Removes a specified tag from a document.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
documentIdRequired | string | path | The unique identifier of the document from which the tag will be removed. |
tagIdRequired | string | path | The unique identifier of the tag to be removed from the document. |
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/tags/modify
Changes the categories (tags) for a batch of documents based on the specified operation.
This method supports adding, removing, or replacing tags for a batch of documents. The operation type in the request model determines the action to be performed.
Request Schema
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[PUT] /api/v2/common/documents/homepage
Sets a specified document as the home document for the current user. This operation updates the user's profile to reference the specified document as their homepage document.
This method checks if the specified document exists and if the current user's information is available. If the document exists
and the user is valid, it updates the user's profile to set the specified document as their home document. This method handles
various exceptions, including cases where the home document is already set, the document is not found, or any database access issues occur.
Request Schema
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/search
Queries a paginated list of documents based on specified criteria, supporting filtering, sorting, and pagination controls.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/favorites
Query documents with pagination
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[GET] /api/v2/common/documents/document-types
Queries and retrieves a list of all available document types within the system.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
key | string | query |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/document-translate-titles
Update document translate title
Name | Type | Located In |
idRequired | string | path |
Request Schema
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[GET] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/document-translate-titles
Get document all translate title
Name | Type | Located In |
idRequired | string | path |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[GET] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/document-translate-titles/{languageCode}
Get document translate title by language code
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | |
languageCodeRequired | string | path | language code. For example: EN |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/encrypt-url
Encrypt the given URL path and return the encrypted URL path.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/admin/export
Export documents with their references.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/admin/import
Import documents.
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[PUT] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/permission
Update document permission
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Document id |
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/permissions/batch-update
Batch change documents permission
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/{id}/permission/apply-min-needed-permission
Applies the minimum necessary permissions to a document's sub-documents based on its current permissions.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | The document's unique identifier. |
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/permission/batch-apply-min-needed-permission
Batch grant min needed permission to the referenced documents of the current documents
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/drafts/publish-requests
Creates a publish request for a specified draft document. This method is responsible for initiating the process to move a document from draft to published status by creating a publish request.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/drafts/publish-requests/approve
Approves a publish request. This method is responsible for approving a publish request, which will move the document from its current state to a published state, making it available for public or specified viewers. This is a crucial step in the document lifecycle management, ensuring that only reviewed and approved documents are published.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/drafts/publish-requests/reject
Rejects a publish request. This method is responsible for rejecting a publish request, which will prevent the document from moving from its current state to a published state. This is an important step in the document lifecycle management, ensuring that documents that do not meet the required standards or criteria are not published.
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[GET] /api/v2/common/resources/download
Batch download resources.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
ids | string | query | Document ids. For example: ["F00FC3E6-8554-467D-9A7E-4598E623BB2F", "8259E551-5AFB-489E-8593-0FD6384E123B"] |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[GET] /api/v2/common/resources/{id}/download
Get resources.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
idRequired | string | path | Document id. For example: 1E5D7247-450E-4383-B0DD-09D5CF651907 |
rev | int32 | query | Document revision. For example: null or 1 |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/common/documents/upload
Upload file.
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Ƭ ThumbnailUploadResponseModel
Represent the upload document thumbnail response model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
thumbnailUrlNullable | string | Document thumbnail url. |
Ƭ ServerPluginError
Server plugin error
Name | Type | Description | Example |
codeNullable | string | error code | |
messageNullable | string | error message | |
contextNullable | string | error context | |
innerError | ServerPluginError |
Ƭ DocumentResponseModel
Represents the response model for a document, including its metadata and state.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdNullable | string | Gets or sets the unique identifier of the document. | |
titleNullable | string | Gets or sets the title of the document. | |
fileExtNullable | string | Gets or sets the file extension of the document. | |
contentTypeNullable | string | Gets or sets the content type of the document. | |
creatorNameNullable | string | Gets or sets the name of the document's creator. | |
modifierNameNullable | string | Gets or sets the name of the last person to modify the document. | |
deleterNameNullable | string | Gets or sets the name of the person who deleted the document, if applicable. | |
descriptionNullable | string | Gets or sets the description of the document. | |
isSystemReservedNullable | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document is reserved by the system. | |
isResource | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document is considered a resource. | |
hideOnMobileNullable | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document should be hidden on mobile devices. | |
metaNullable | string | Gets or sets the metadata associated with the document. | |
hideInDocumentPortalNullable | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document should be hidden in the document portal. | |
organizationIdNullable | string | Gets or sets the organization ID associated with the document. | |
organizationIdPathNullable | string | Gets or sets the path of organization IDs associated with the document. | |
thumbnailNullable | string | Gets or sets the thumbnail image of the document. | |
schemaVersionNullable | string | Gets or sets the schema version of the document. |
Ƭ DocumentDeleteRequestModel
Represents the request model for deleting a document. It includes options for force deletion and permanent deletion.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
force | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document should be forcefully deleted. Forceful deletion bypasses any soft delete mechanisms. | true |
permanent | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document should be permanently deleted. Permanent deletion removes the document from the database entirely. |
Ƭ ExtendQuery
Defines the options for extending a document query with additional information.
This enumeration allows for specifying which additional data should be included in a document query response.
It supports bitwise operations to combine multiple options.
* None
- 0 - No additional data is included.
* EffectiveOps
- 1 - Includes effective operations applicable to the document.
* Security
- 2 - Includes security information such as access control lists.
* References
- 4 - Includes references to other documents.
* Revisions
- 8 - Includes information about document revisions.
* Tags
- 16 - Includes tags associated with the document.
* All
- 31 - Includes all available extended information.
Ƭ DocumentVO
Represents a view object for a document, encapsulating various metadata and state information.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
createdNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The creation timestamp of the document. | |
deletedNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The deletion timestamp of the document, if deleted. | |
modifiedNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The last modification timestamp of the document. | |
createdBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
modifiedBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
deletedBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
descriptionNullable | string | A brief description of the document. | |
displayNameNullable | string | The display name of the document. | |
extNullable | string | The file extension of the document. | |
hideInDocumentPortal | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is hidden in the document portal. | |
hideOnMobile | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is hidden on mobile devices. | |
idNullable | string | The unique identifier of the document. | |
isResource | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is a resource. | |
metaNullable | string | Metadata associated with the document. | |
organizationIdNullable | string | The organization ID associated with the document. | |
organizationIdPathNullable | string | The path of organization IDs associated with the document. | |
thumbnailNullable | string | The URL to the document's thumbnail image. | |
titleNullable | string | The title of the document. | |
typeNullable | string | The type of the document. | |
customPermissionsNullable | Array<string> |
Custom permissions associated with the document. | |
contentUrlNullable | string | The URL to access the document content. | |
revisionNo | int32 | The revision number of the document. | |
revisionContentUrlNullable | string | The URL to access the content of a specific document revision. | |
isSystemReserved | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is reserved by the system. | |
effectiveOpsNullable | string | Effective operations allowed on the document. | |
security | SecurityResponseModel | ||
referencesNullable | ReferenceResponseModel | References associated with the document. | |
revisionsNullable | RevisionResponseModel | Revision history of the document. | |
tagsNullable | TagResponseInfoModel | Tags associated with the document. |
Ƭ SampleUserResponseModel
Represents a simplified model of a user, providing essential information used in various response models.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | The unique identifier of the user. | |
nameNullable | string | The name of the user. |
Ƭ SecurityResponseModel
Security settings for a document.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
ownerIdNullable | string | Owner's unique identifier. | |
permissionsNullable | AclEntryQueryModel | Document access permissions. |
Ƭ ReferenceResponseModel
Represents a model for a document reference, including details about the document and its permissions.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the referenced document. | |
resourceNameNullable | string | The name of the resource the document is associated with. | |
resourceDocTypeNullable | string | The type of the resource document. | |
resourceDocNameNullable | string | The name of the resource document. | |
displayNameNullable | string | The display name for the reference. | |
metaNullable | string | Metadata associated with the document. | |
documentRevNullable | string | The revision of the document. | |
isDirectChild | Boolean | Indicates whether the document is a direct child of the parent document. | |
permissionNullable | string | The permission level on the document. | |
contentUrlNullable | string | The URL to access the content of the document. | |
minimalPermissionNullable | string | The minimal permission required to access the document. |
Ƭ RevisionResponseModel
Represents a model for a document revision, including details such as revision number, comments, metadata, and associated user information.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
no | int32 | The revision number. This is typically an integer that increments with each new revision. | |
commentNullable | string | A comment describing the changes made in this revision. | |
metaNullable | string | Metadata associated with the revision, potentially including details like tags or keywords. | |
createdBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
createdNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The date and time when this revision was created. | |
modifiedBy | SampleUserResponseModel | ||
modifiedNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | The date and time when this revision was last modified. | |
contentUrlNullable | string | The URL to access the content of this revision. | |
referencesNullable | ReferenceResponseModel | A list of references associated with this revision, such as related documents or resources. |
Ƭ TagResponseInfoModel
Represents the response model for a tag, including its metadata and state.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | The unique identifier of the tag. | |
parentIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the parent tag, if any. | |
realNameNullable | string | The display name of the tag. | |
order | int32 | The display order of the tag among its siblings. | |
urlNullable | string | The URL associated with the tag, typically for navigation. | |
iconCssClassNullable | string | The CSS class for the tag's icon, used for visual representation. | |
colorNullable | string | The color associated with the tag, used for visual representation. | |
isFavorites | Boolean | Indicates whether the tag is marked as a favorite. | |
isPersonal | Boolean | Indicates whether the tag is personal to the user. | |
orgIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the organization associated with the tag. | |
documentCount | int32 | The count of documents associated with the tag. | |
nameNullable | string | The name of the tag used for identification and search. |
Ƭ AclEntryQueryModel
Defines ACL entry permissions for a sub-role.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
sub | RoleResponseModel | ||
opsNullable | Array<string> |
Authorized operations. | |
opflags | int32 | Operation flags for additional control. |
Ƭ RoleResponseModel
Represents a role within the system.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | Unique identifier of the role. | |
nameNullable | string | Name of the role. | |
typeNullable | string | Type of the role. |
Ƭ BatchDeleteDocumentsRequestModel
Document information with batch delete
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIds | Array<string> |
Batch operate document ids | ["F00FC3E6-8554-467D-9A7E-4598E623BB2F","F00FC3E6-8554-467D-9A7E-4598E623BB2D"] |
force | Boolean | Whether force delete document | |
permanent | Boolean | Whether delete document permanently |
Ƭ BatchRestoreDocumentsRequestModel
Document information with batch restore
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIds | Array<string> |
Batch operate document ids | ["F00FC3E6-8554-467D-9A7E-4598E623BB2F","F00FC3E6-8554-467D-9A7E-4598E623BB2D"] |
Ƭ DocumentPropertyRequestModel
Document property
Name | Type | Description | Example |
newNameNullable | string | New document name | "newDocument" |
metaNullable | string | Document meta | "DSC_PROVIDER=CSV" |
descriptionNullable | string | Document description | "Document Description" |
fontOriginalNameNullable | string | Font document original name | "Oswald" |
hideOnMobileNullable | Boolean | Whether hide the document on mobile | |
hideInDocumentPortalNullable | Boolean | Whether hide the document in document portal |
Ƭ BatchHideDocumentInDocumentPortalResponseModel
Batch hide documents in document portal
Name | Type | Description | Example |
updated_Document_IdsNullable | Array<string> |
Updated document ids. | |
updated_Failed_DocumentsNullable | UpdateFailedInfo | Update failed documents. |
Ƭ UpdateFailedInfo
update hide document failed information
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdsNullable | Array<string> |
Document id list | |
error | ErrorContent |
Ƭ ErrorContent
Name | Type | Description | Example |
code | ServiceErrorCodeEnum | ||
messageNullable | string | ||
contextNullable | any |
Ƭ ServiceErrorCodeEnum
Ƭ BatchHideDocumentInDocumentPortalRequestModel
Document information with batch hide in document portal
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIds | Array<string> |
Batch operate document ids | ["F00FC3E6-8554-467D-9A7E-4598E623BB2F","F00FC3E6-8554-467D-9A7E-4598E623BB2D"] |
hideInDocumentPortal | Boolean | Whether hide document in document portal |
Ƭ CopyDocumentRequestModel
Copy document basic information
Name | Type | Description | Example |
newDocName | string | New document name | "newDocumentName" |
currentTagIdNullable | string | Current tag id | "D01EF9CA-48A2-4ABA-B54E-AD9DA89955F3" |
copyAsTemplate | Boolean | Whether copy the document as a template, use range: report document. |
Ƭ ChangeCategoriesRequestModel
Represents the request model for changing the categories (tags) associated with a batch of documents. This model supports adding, removing, or replacing tags based on the specified operation type.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdsNullable | Array<string> |
Gets the list of unique identifiers for the documents to be modified. | ["F00FC3E6-8554-467D-9A7E-4598E623BB2F","F00FC3E6-8554-467D-9A7E-4598E623BB2D"] |
tagIdsNullable | Array<string> |
Gets the list of unique identifiers for the tags to be added, removed, or replaced. | ["D01EF9CA-48A2-4ABA-B54E-AD9DA89955F3","D02EF9CA-48A2-4ABA-B54E-AD9DA89955F4"] |
operationTypeNullable | string | Gets the operation type to be performed on the tags for the specified documents. |
Ƭ SetHomeDocumentRequestModel
Represents the request model for setting a specified document as the home document for the current user.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdNullable | string | Gets or sets the unique identifier of the document to be set as the home document. |
Ƭ DocumentPaginationResponseModel
Represents the response model for a paginated document query.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
pagination | PaginationModel | ||
dataNullable | DocumentVO | A read-only list of document view objects (VOs) that represents the current page of documents. Each DocumentVO includes document metadata and any additional information required for display or processing. |
Ƭ PaginationModel
Represents the pagination information for queries that return a list of items. This model is used to manage the pagination of large datasets by specifying the size of each page and the current page number.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
pageSize | int32 | Gets or sets the number of items to be displayed on a single page. | |
pageNumber | int32 | Gets or sets the current page number. | |
total | int64 | Gets or sets the total count of items across all pages. |
Ƭ QueryDocumentsWithPaginationRequestModel
Represents a request model for querying documents with pagination.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdNullable | string | Gets or sets the document ID. | "e3808c7e-c0e7-44da-96a2-200b3bb216c6" |
searchNullable | string | Gets or sets the search keyword. | "example search keyword" |
typesNullable | string | Gets or sets the types of documents to filter. | "example document type" |
orderByNullable | string | Gets or sets the field to order the documents by. | "example field name" |
pageSize | int32 | Gets or sets the number of documents to display per page. | 10 |
pageNumber | int32 | Gets or sets the page number to display. | 1 |
deleted | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the deleted documents should be included in the result. | true |
searchForAllTags | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search for all tags. | |
disableHideInDocumentPortalFilter | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable the hide in document portal filter. | true |
enableDataModelFilter | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the data model filter. | true |
isSystemReservedNullable | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document is system reserved. | true |
createdTimeRangeNullable | Array<string> |
Gets or sets the range of created time for the documents. | |
modifiedTimeRangeNullable | Array<string> |
Gets or sets the range of modified time for the documents. | |
creatorNullable | string | Gets or sets the creator of the documents. | "John Doe" |
modifierNullable | string | Gets or sets the modifier of the documents. | "Jane Smith" |
fromAdminPortal | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the request is from the admin portal. | true |
extendQuery | ExtendQuery | ||
includeIndirectReference | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include indirect reference documents. | true |
organizationIdNullable | string |
Ƭ DocumentTagPaginationRequestModel
Document pagination request model
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdNullable | string | Gets or sets the document ID. | "e3808c7e-c0e7-44da-96a2-200b3bb216c6" |
pageSize | int32 | Gets or sets the number of documents to display per page. | 10 |
pageNumber | int32 | Gets or sets the page number to display. | 1 |
orderByNullable | string | Gets or sets the field to order the documents by. | "creationDate" |
disableHideInDocumentPortalFilter | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable the hide in document portal filter. | |
filterByTypeNullable | string | Gets or sets the type of documents to filter by. | "report" |
isFromExportPage | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the query is from the export page. | |
searchNullable | string | Gets or sets the search keyword for document titles. | "annual report" |
createdTimeRangeNullable | Array<string> |
Gets or sets the range of created time for the documents. | |
modifiedTimeRangeNullable | Array<string> |
Gets or sets the range of modified time for the documents. | |
creatorNullable | string | Gets or sets the creator of the documents. | "John Doe" |
modifierNullable | string | Gets or sets the modifier of the documents. | "Jane Smith" |
lngNullable | string | Gets or sets the language code. | "en-US" |
extendQuery | ExtendQuery | ||
includeIndirectReference | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include indirect reference documents. This configuration only takes effect when the meaning represented by extendQuery includes Reference. |
true |
Ƭ QueryDocumentTypesResponseModel
Represents the response model for the QueryDocumentTypes operation, containing a collection of document types.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentTypesNullable | DocumentTypeViewModel | A list of document type identifiers. |
Ƭ DocumentTypeViewModel
Represents a view model for a document type, encapsulating key information and characteristics of the document type.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
keyNullable | string | The unique identifier for the document type. | |
baseDocumentTypeKeyNullable | string | The key of the base document type from which this document type inherits, if applicable. | |
nameNullable | string | The name of the document type. | |
descriptionNullable | string | A brief description of the document type. | |
iconCssClassNullable | string | The CSS class for the icon representing the document type. This class can be used in UI components to display an icon associated with the document type. | |
knownFileTypesNullable | Array<string> |
A list of file extensions associated with the document type. | |
knownContentTypesNullable | Array<string> |
A list of MIME types associated with the document type. | |
containsResource | Boolean | Indicates whether the document type includes resources such as images or other embedded content. | |
customPermissionsNullable | Array<string> |
A list of custom permissions required to access or manipulate documents of this type. |
Ƭ DocumentTranslateTitleRequest
Translate title's Languagecode and title model
Name | Type | Description | Example |
translateTitles | DocumentTranslateTitleItem | Translate title's Languagecode and title list |
Ƭ DocumentTranslateTitleItem
Document tanslate title
Name | Type | Description | Example |
languageCode | string | Language code | "EN-US" |
titleNullable | string | Document translate title | "Translate title" |
isDefault | Boolean | Is default title, same with orginal document name |
Ƭ DocumentTranslateTitle
Name | Type | Description | Example |
docIdNullable | string | ||
languageCodeNullable | string | ||
titleNullable | string | ||
isDefault | Boolean |
Ƭ EncryptPathResponseModel
Name | Type | Description | Example |
pathNullable | string |
Ƭ EncryptPathRequestModel
Name | Type | Description | Example |
pathNullable | string |
Ƭ ExportRequestModel
Represent an export model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
items | ExportItemModel | The need to be exported items. | |
includeDocumentPermissions | Boolean | Whether include the document's permissions when exporting documents, the default value is false. | true |
excludeReferenceDocumentTypesNullable | Array<string> |
The document types of the referenced documents that are not allowed to be exported, it has a higher priority than the parameter 'IncludeReferenceDocumentTypes'. |
["dst","dbd"] |
includeReferenceDocumentTypesNullable | Array<string> |
The document types of the referenced documents that are allowed to be exported, it has a lower priority than the parameter 'ExcludeReferenceDocumentTypes'. |
["dst","dbd"] |
includeDocumentScheduleTasks | Boolean | Whether inlucde the document's scheduled tasks when exporting documents, the default value is false. | |
documentPermissionTemplateMappingsNullable | DocumentPemissionTemplateMappingModel | Application relationship between docuemnts and permission templates. |
Ƭ ExportItemModel
Represent an export item model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
type | string | The type of the items that need to be exported, the valid types are: "$$documents" -> documents, "sys-conf-ui" -> UI settings, "sys-cat" -> categories, "sys-clp" -> custom language packages, "sys-ctheme" -> custom themes, "sys-et" -> export templates, "sys-role" -> roles, "sys-st" -> schedule templates, "sys-secprovider" -> security providers, "sys-secset" -> security settings, "sys-uf" -> user functions, "sys-conf-wq" -> worker queue settings, "auditLogConfiguration" -> audit log settings, "sys-conf-dashboard-common" -> dashboard common settings, "sys-conf-dashboard-designer" -> dashboard designer settings, "sys-conf-dashboard-view" -> dashboard view settings, "sys-conf-ddt" -> default document theme, "sys-conf-es" -> email settings, "sys-conf-rs" -> report settings, "sys-conf-ss" -> schedule settings, |
"sys-conf-ui" |
items | Array<string> |
Get or set items need to be exported. | ["1FB74CF4-FFB0-492F-A2D5-29AA761955CF","DD695D78-015D-43E2-9F3A-8919F4F534FE"] |
Ƭ DocumentPemissionTemplateMappingModel
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdNullable | string | Document id. | |
permissionTemplatesNullable | Array<string> |
List of IDs of permission templates to be applied. |
Ƭ ImportResult
Represent an import result model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentsNullable | DocumentImportResult | Get or set imported documents. | |
settingsNullable | UploadSetting | Get or set imported settings. |
Ƭ DocumentImportResult
Represent an document import result model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
success | Boolean | Get or set document import result. | |
operation | DocumentOperation | ||
error | ImportError | ||
document | UploadDocument |
Ƭ UploadSetting
Represent an upload setting model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
nameNullable | string | Get or set the setting name. | |
typeNullable | string | Get or set the setting type. |
Ƭ DocumentOperation
Enumeration of import document operation types.
* Add
- 0 - Add document.
* Update
- 1 - Update document.
* Ignore
- 3 - Ignore document.
* Upgrade
- 4 - Upgrade docuemnt.
Ƭ ImportError
Name | Type | Description | Example |
errorCode | int32 | ||
errorTextNullable | string | ||
contextNullable | any |
Ƭ UploadDocument
Represent an upload document model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | Get or set the document id. | |
titleNullable | string | Get or set the document title. | |
documentTypeNullable | string | Get or set the document type. | |
fileExtNullable | string | Get or set the document file ext. | |
contentTypeNullable | string | Get or set the document content type. | |
createdByNullable | string | Get or set the document creator. | |
modifiedByNullable | string | Get or set the document editor. | |
createdNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | Get or set the document creation time. | |
modifiedNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | Get or set the document modification time. |
Ƭ PermissionRequestModel
Permission request model
Name | Type | Description | Example |
grantCollectionNullable | AccessEntryStringDto | The collection of permissions to be granted | |
revokeCollectionNullable | AccessEntryStringDto | The collection of permissions to be revoked |
Ƭ AccessEntryStringDto
Access entry string Dto
Name | Type | Description | Example |
roleNullable | string | Role name | "Tester" |
opsNullable | Array<string> |
Operations: / Execute: ["Execute"] / Read: ["Execute", "Read"] / Write: ["Execute", "Read", "Update"] | ["Execute","Read","Update"] |
Ƭ BatchChangePermissionRequestModel
Batch change document permission request model
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdsNullable | Array<string> |
Document ids of change permission. | ["1FB74CF4-FFB0-492F-A2D5-29AA761955CF","DD695D78-015D-43E2-9F3A-8919F4F534FE"] |
operationTypeNullable | string | Operation type(AddNew/RemoveExisting/RemoveExistingAndAddNew) | "AddNew" |
grantCollectionNullable | AccessEntryStringDto | The collection of permissions to be granted. |
Ƭ MinNeededPermissionRequestModel
Grant min needed permission to the referenced documents of the current document request model
Name | Type | Description | Example |
roleNullable | string | Role name | "Tester" |
Ƭ BatchApplyMinNeededPermissionRequestModel
Batch grant min needed permission to the referenced documents of the current documents request model
Name | Type | Description | Example |
documentIdsNullable | Array<string> |
Document ids | ["1FB74CF4-FFB0-492F-A2D5-29AA761955CF","DD695D78-015D-43E2-9F3A-8919F4F534FE"] |
roleNamesNullable | Array<string> |
Role names | ["Tester","Viewer"] |
Ƭ CreatePublishRequestResponseModel
Represents the response model for a create publish request operation. This model includes the unique identifier of the newly created publish request.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
publishRequestIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the publish request that was created. |
Ƭ CreatePublishRequestModel
Represents the request model for creating a publish request for a draft document. This model is used to initiate the process of publishing a document by providing the draft document's unique identifier.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
draftIdNullable | string | Gets or sets the unique identifier of the draft document to be published. |
Ƭ DoApproveResponseModel
Represents the response model for a document approval operation. This model includes the outcome of the approval process and the unique identifier of the document that was approved.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
success | Boolean | Indicates whether the approval operation was successful. | |
documentIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the document that was approved. |
Ƭ PublishRequestModel
Represents the model for a request to publish a document. This model includes the publish request identifier and an optional commit message.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
publishRequestIdNullable | string | Gets or sets the unique identifier of the publish request. | |
commitNullable | string | Gets or sets the commit message associated with the publish request. This message can provide context or a description of the changes being published. |
Ƭ DoRejectResponseModel
Represents the response model for a document rejection operation. This model includes the outcome of the rejection process, indicating whether the rejection was successful.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
success | Boolean | Indicates whether the rejection operation was successful. |
Ƭ QueueStatsResponseModel
Represent a queue statistical response model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
workersNullable | WorkerInfoViewModel | Get or set worker info list. | |
tasksNullable | CommonTaskInfo | Get or set task info list. |
Ƭ WorkerInfoViewModel
Represent a worker information model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | Get or set the worker ID. | |
urlNullable | string | Get or set the worker URL. | |
lastSeen | ISO DateTime Sting | Get or set the last seen time of the worker. | |
tasksInProgress | int32 | Get or set the number of tasks in progress by the worker. | |
displayNameNullable | string | Get or set the display name of the worker. | |
specializationsNullable | Array<string> |
Get or set the specializations of the worker. |
Ƭ CommonTaskInfo
Represent a common task info response model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
taskID | TaskIDViewModel | ||
workerUrlNullable | string | Get or set worker url. | |
workerIDNullable | string | Get or set worker id. | |
initiatorNullable | string | Get or set task initiator. | |
documentNameNullable | string | Get or set document name. | |
displayDocNameNullable | string | Get or set display name. | |
documentIdNullable | string | Get or set document id. | |
documentTypeNullable | string | Get or set document type. | |
startTime | ISO DateTime Sting | Get or set task start time. | |
endTimeNullable | ISO DateTime Sting | Get or set task end time. | |
progressNullable | string | Get or set task progress. | |
errorMessageNullable | string | Get or set task error message. | |
descriptionNullable | string | Get or set task description. | |
breakStatus | CommonTaskInfo+TaskStatus | ||
status | CommonTaskInfo+TaskStatus | ||
type | CommonTaskInfo+TaskType |
Ƭ TaskIDViewModel
Represent a task ID view model.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | Get or set the task ID. | |
parent | TaskIDViewModel |
Ƭ CommonTaskInfo+TaskStatus
Enumeration of task status
* NotStarted
- 0 - Not started.
* WaitingForActivation
- 1 - Waiting for activation.
* WaitingToRun
- 2 - Waiting to run.
* Started
- 3 - Started.
* ReadingResult
- 4 - Reading result.
* Verifying
- 5 - Verifying.
* Canceled
- 6 - Canceled.
* Failed
- 7 - Failed.
* Finished
- 8 - Finished.
Ƭ CommonTaskInfo+TaskType
Enumeration of task types.
* Queue
- 0 - Queue task.
* Scheduler
- 1 - Scheduler task.