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- overview
[GET] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages
Get language packages based on the specified type.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
type | LanguagePackageType | query | The package type to get. 1: Custom (default), 2: Official, 3: All |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages
Create a new custom language package
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[DELETE] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/{packageId}
Delete the custom language package according to the specified package id.
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
packageIdRequired | string | path | The package id to delete |
forceDelete | Boolean | query | Only use when you delete an official language package |
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/upload
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/commit/{displayName}/{sessionId}
Commit an upload session to create a new custom language package
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
displayNameRequired | string | path | The display name of the new custom language package |
sessionIdRequired | string | path | The session id returned from the upload API |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/import
Import a custom language package
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[POST] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/import/{sessionId}/submit
Submit an import session to create a new custom language package
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
sessionIdRequired | string | path | The session id returned from the import API |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/{packageId}/migrate
migrate the custom language package to the current production version
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
packageIdRequired | string | path | custom language package id |
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/{packageId}/publish
publish draft
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
packageIdRequired | string | path | package id |
Status Code: 204
No Content
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[GET] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/supported-cultures
get all supported cultures of the current server node
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
[GET] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/{packageId}/download
download some one language package (both official and custom)
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
packageIdRequired | string | path | the package id to download |
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
[POST] /api/v2/ui/common/language-packages/{packageId}/export
Export the content of the language package
Name | Type | Located In | Description |
packageIdRequired | string | path | The package id |
Request Schema
Status Code: 200
Status Code: 400
Bad Request
Status Code: 404
Not Found
Ƭ LanguagePackageType
Represents the types of language packages available in the system.
* Custom
- 0 - Indicates a custom language package created by the user.
* Official
- 1 - Indicates an official language package provided by the system.
* All
- 2 - Indicates all types of language packages, both custom and official.
Ƭ QueryLanguagePackagesResponseModel
Represents a response model for querying language packages.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
languagePackagesNullable | LanguagePackageViewModel | The list of language packages returned from the query. |
Ƭ LanguagePackageViewModel
Represents a language package view model containing details about a language package.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
idNullable | string | Gets or sets the unique identifier of the language package. |
languageCodeNullable | string | Gets or sets the language code of the language package. |
nameNullable | string | Gets or sets the name of the language package. |
displayNameNullable | string | Gets or sets the display name of the language package. |
publishTime | ISO DateTime Sting | Gets or sets the publish time of the language package. |
createdTime | ISO DateTime Sting | Gets or sets the created time of the language package. |
modifiedTime | ISO DateTime Sting | Gets or sets the modified time of the language package. |
versionNullable | string | Gets or sets the version of the language package. |
productVersionNullable | string | Gets or sets the product version associated with the language package. |
isOfficial | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the language package is official. |
published | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the language package is published. |
hasDraft | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the language package has a draft. |
hasMigrated | Boolean | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the language package has been migrated. |
referenceLanguageNullable | string | Gets or sets the reference language of the language package. |
uploadTime | ISO DateTime Sting | Gets or sets the upload time of the language package. |
uploadByNullable | string | Gets or sets the user who uploaded the language package. |
Ƭ CLPErrorRequestResult
Custom language package error or warning response result
Name | Type | Description | Example |
warningsNullable | CLPWarning | warning of CLPErrorRequestResult | |
codeNullable | string | error code | |
messageNullable | string | error message | |
contextNullable | string | error context | |
innerError | ServerPluginError |
Ƭ CLPWarning
Represents a custom language package warning.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
codeNullable | string | Warning code. |
messageNullable | string | Warning message. |
contextNullable | string |
Ƭ ServerPluginError
Server plugin error
Name | Type | Description | Example |
codeNullable | string | error code | |
messageNullable | string | error message | |
contextNullable | string | error context | |
innerError | ServerPluginError |
Ƭ PackageResponseModel
Represents a response model for a package.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
packageIdNullable | string | The unique identifier of the package. |
Ƭ LanguagePackagePostModel
Model used to create a custom language package.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
displayName | string | Gets or sets the display name of the language package. |
languageCode | string | Gets or sets the language code of the language package. |
referenceLanguage | string | The language code of the language package to be referenced. Attention: we will set the reference code of the created package to an official package. This property specifies which language package to copy the content from. |
Ƭ CustomLanguagePackageUploadModel
Represents a model for uploading a custom language package.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
sessionIdNullable | string | Gets or sets the session identifier for the upload. |
warningsNullable | UploadWarning |
Ƭ UploadWarning
Represents a warning during the upload process.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
codeNullable | string | Gets or sets the warning code. |
messageNullable | string | Gets or sets the warning message. |
Ƭ SupportCultureViewModel
Represents a view model for supported cultures.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
codeNullable | string | Gets or sets the code of the culture. |
nativeNameNullable | string | Gets or sets the native name of the culture. |
Ƭ ExportPostModel
Represents a model for export operations.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
type | ExportAndImportType | ||
fileNamesNullable | Array<string> |
Ƭ ExportAndImportType