Dataset Cache
The Dataset Cache page displays all the cached dataset. The cached datasets play an important role to boost the performance in Wyn Enterprise. You can search for any specific dataset, or even sort the header information alphabetically or by latest date by clicking on the specific header.
View Dataset Cache
On the Admin Portal, navigate to System Management > Dataset Cache.
On the Dataset Cache page, you can control whether to display all dataset cache or only show the failure dataset cache list by clicking the Only show failed dataset cache button at the top right portion adjacent to the search bar.
Note: The Dataset Cache page supports pagination. Documents are listed page-wise, so it helps in terms of overall navigation and the process of listing the documents is also faster. You can specify the number of documents to be displayed per page from the drop-down list. Like here, we have selected 50 documents per page. If you want to go to a particular page, you can enter the page number in Go to and press Enter or click the page number, or you can use the Next Page/Previous Page arrows.