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Dashboard Insights

Dashboard insights are added to the Wyn Dashboards to show additional insights from your data that may not be visible otherwise such as outliers, trends, etc. It will refer to the data and extrapolate insights based on the changes within the data.

You can add data insight for the dashboards using the InsightIQ component or you can directly use the Insight option from the More Action menu as explained below in the section Scenarios that support the Data Insights. It will give the details on the data of a given visual. The insight item details contain 3 parts:

  • Title(Measure, Pattern)

  • Description

  • Related Visual

    parts of insight

Insight Patterns

Wyn supports 7 insight patterns. It analyzes the data by all 7 patterns one by one and collects the matched patterns to show. So, not all 7 patterns are shown for every scenario. For scenarios if none of the patterns matches, then no insight is generated.

We will analyze the data by all 7 patterns one by one as below:

  1. Trend: It shows which categories are significantly below average on a measure.


  2. Time Series Outlier: It shows some data anomalies as compared to the baseline.

    Time series outlier

  3. Low Variance: It shows which categories are significantly below average on a measure.

    low variance

  4. Correlation: The correlation between the two data is the highest, and the two measures in the given data show a high positive or negative correlation.


  5. Category Outlier: It shows which categories stand out on a measure.

    category outlier1

  6. Majority: It shows the category that dominates in a measure.


  7. Change Point: It shows a point at which there is a dramatic change in the data.

    chnage point

Scenarios that support the Data Insights are listed below

  • Area Chart

  • Column Chart

  • Bar Chart

  • Bubble Chart

  • Candlestick Chart

  • Data Table

  • Donut chart

  • Filled Radar Chart

  • Funnel Chart

  • Line Chart

  • Percent Stacked Area Chart

  • Percent Stacked Bar Chart

  • Percent Stacked Column Chart

  • Pie Chart

  • Pivot Table

  • Radar Chart

  • Radial Stacked Bar Chart

  • Range Area Chart

  • Range Bar Chart

  • Range Column Chart

  • Rose Chart

  • Scatter Chart

  • Stacked Area Chart

  • Stacked Bar Chart

  • Stacked Bar in Polar Coordinates

  • Stacked Column Chart

  • Sunburst Chart

  • Treemap Chart

  • 3D Column E-Chart

  • Bubble E-Chart

  • Column E-Chart

  • Funnel E-Chart

  • Line E-Chart

  • Pie E-Chart

  • Radar E-Chart

  • Word Cloud

You can see the Insight option for each of these supported dashboard scenarios using the Action menu. Click the Insight option, you will be able to see the insight as shown below:

insight option and insights displayed_edited

Not all scenarios will have an insight. So, when there are no insights, then by clicking the Insight option, you will see the following message.

insihgt has no pattern

Typically, the more data bindings you have, the more the chances that there is an insight that can be found as there is more data to pull out the patterns.

Adding Insights to the dashboard with a Column Chart

  1. From the Dashboard Toolbox, open the Data Visualization node and drag-drop the InsightIQ on to the design area.

    insightIQ icon

  2. Drag the Column Chart scenario onto the design area.

    drag column chart

  3. With the Column Chart selected, from the Data Binding tab, select the dataset and bind it as shown below in the figure.


    bind the fields

  4. Bind the added chart to the InsightIQ component, by clicking the Configure InsightIQ option.

    configure insight iq

    Configure InsightIQ dialog box is displayed. Select the option to bind from the dropdown list and click OK.

    configure InsightIQ dialog box

    We can see that the insight has revealed some information.


  5. Preview the dashboard, you can see that insights are displayed.

    preview insight

    Please note that for all the scenarios that support insights, you can use the Insight option in the action menu, instead of using InsightIQ to generate the insights.

    Note: When the target scenario has been affected by cross-filter, and drill-down then the insight visual will be updated accordingly.

Dashboard Data Insight Property

Listed below are insight properties supported at the dashboard level.



Insight Patterns

You can select the insight patterns from here. The dropdown list has the following options: All, Trend, Time Series Outlier, Low Variance, Category Outlier, Majority, Change Point, and Correlation. By default, All patterns are selected

Confidence level [0-100]

It is the parameter to control which insights to display. The default value is 50. You can select from 0-100 values. The higher the threshold, the more accurate the results will be, but the results will be fewer.

Hide Visual Chart

You can Show/Hide the visual chart in the generated insight. By default, this property is set to False.

Tite Font

You can set the font for the insight Title by using this property.

Pattern Background

You can select the color of the data pattern background of the insight by using this property.

Border Color

You can select the border color of each insight pattern by using this property.

Pattern Font

You can set the font for the insight pattern name by using this property.

Content Font

You can set the font details for the insight content by using this property.

Data Insight Image 1

Note: Data Insights will be generated based on the selected Insight Patterns and Confidence Level conditions.