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Connect to CSV

To create a CSV data source in Wyn Enterprise, follow these steps.

  1. On the Resource Portal, navigate to Create (+) >> Create Data Source.

  2. Select CSV in the data source list on the left or in the icon view on the right.

  3. Fill in the database configuration information for the selected data source.




The name for the data source that you want to specify.


Select from the list that displays the following options - Local, Web, and Embed.

Data Source*

When the source type is Local, click Select File to select the local source file.

When the source type is Web, you need to enter the source address of the source, which is usually a URL.

When the source type is Embed, you need to enter or paste the content of the CSV file.

Authentication Method

If the source type is Web, you need to set the authentication mode. You can choose from None, Basic, and OAuth2.

If the AuthMode is Basic, you need to set the user name and password.

If the AuthMode is OAuth2, you need to set GrantType, Token Endpoint, Client Id, Client Secret, UserName, Password, and Scope.

Column Delimiter

The default value is "," click to modify.

Use First Row as Header

If this option is checked, the first line in the file will be used as the column header; if this option is not checked, the column names will be the default column names F1, F2, F3...

Use Table/Field Name Mapping

If you check this option, you can either import a CSV file or manually enter the display names for the required tables or fields in the Mapping dialog. For more information on mapping table and column names, visit this topic.

* Required fields

  1. Click Create after the connection is successful.

    You can view the added data source in the Categories tab of the Resource Portal.

Note: Data refresh : Since the data is imported into the system, if you want to refresh the data of the data source, you need to manually edit the data source and import the data again.

Note: If garbled characters appear in a local CSV file, save the file in the UTF-8 encoding and upload it again..

Also, if a column with the same name is detected, the column with the same name will be renamed as Column Name 0 and Column Name 1. The data on these columns will be extracted.