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Deploying to Amazon ECS

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a container orchestration service designed for efficiently deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications, such as Wyn Enterprise. Leveraging ECS for Wyn Enterprise deployment streamlines the process, enabling seamless launch, monitoring, and scaling across diverse compute options, while seamlessly integrating with various AWS services. For further insights into the capabilities and additional resources of Amazon ECS, refer to the Amazon Elastic Container Service documentation.

This help article outlines the steps involved in deploying Wyn Enterprise to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS).

Before deploying the Wyn Enterprise in the Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) ensure the following;

  1. Your existing database server is accessible within the AWS Cloud Service.

  2. You have an active AWS Account.

Deploying Wyn Enterprise in ECS is a 7-step process as described below,

  1. Create VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

  2. Create Security Group

  3. Create File System

  4. Create Cluster

  5. Create Docker Image Pulling Secret

  6. Create Task Definition

  7. Create Task

Step 1 - Create VPC

To create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), follow the below instructions,

  1. Open this link and click the Create VPC button.

    Create VPC - click Create VPC button

  2. On the Create VPC page, select the VPC and More option, add a name for the VPC or check the Auto-generate option, and keep the default settings for other options like IPv4 CIDR block, IPv6 CIDR block, Tenancy, etc. Click Create VPC to finish.

    Create VPC using VPC and More option

Step 2 - Create Security Group

To create the security group, follow the below instructions,

  1. Open this link and click the Create security group button.

    Create security group - click Create security group button

  2. Add the basic details like the Security group name and Description, and select the VPC created in Step 1.

  3. Then, add a new inbound rule to access the NFS service and a new inbound rule for port 51980. Click the Create Security group option to finish.

    Create security group - add basic details and add an inbound rule to access NFS service

Step 3 - Create File System

To persist data, you need to mount volumes to external storage. To accomplish this, let's proceed with creating an Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) resource by following the below instructions.

  1. Open this link and click the Create file system button.

    Create File System - click create file system button

  2. On the Create file system popup, add a name to your file system in the Name your file system input box, select the VPC created in Step 1, and click the Create button.

    Create File System - click create file system popup

  3. Once the file system is created, navigate to the Network tab and select the Manage button.

    Create File System - manage network settings

  4. On the Network tab, change the security group(s) to the one created in Step 2 using the Choose security groups dropdown and click the Save button.

    Create File System - choose security groups

Step 4 - Create Cluster

  1. Open this link and click the Create cluster button.

    Create cluster - create cluster button

  2. Add a name for the cluster in the Cluster name input box of the Cluster configuration section, select the VPC created in Step 1 from the VPC input box of the Networking section, and keep the default settings for other options. Click the Create button to finish.

    Create cluster - cluster configration

Step 5 - Create Docker Image Pulling Secret

Note: In case you are using a public docker repository, skip this step.

To create the docker image pulling secret, follow the below instructions,

  1. Open the secret manager and click the Store a new secret button.

    Create image pulling secret - store a new secret button

  2. On the Choose secret type page, choose the Other type of secret under the Secret type section, add the username and password in the Key/value pairs section, and click the Next button.

    Create image pulling secret - secret type

  3. Add a name descriptive name for the secret in the Secret name input box and click the Next button. Keep the default settings for other options and click the Store button to store the secret.

    Create image pulling secret - secret name

  4. Now, navigate to the IAM (Identity and Access Management) page and select the Task Execution Role under Access Management >> Roles.

    Create image pulling secret - identity and access management

  5. Click the Add Permissions button and select the Create inline policy option.

    Create image pulling secret - create inline policy

  6. On Step 1 of the Create Policy page, search for the secret keyword using the search box and click the Secret Managers option.

    Create image pulling secret - secret managers

  7. Select the GetSecretValue option using the checkbox from Actions allowed >> Manual Actions >> Access Level >> Read.

    Create image pulling secret - getsecretvalue option

  8. Under the Resources section, click the Add Arn link.

    Create image pulling secret - Add arn

  9. Paste the ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the previously created secret at the bottom of the dialog box, then click on Add ARNs.

    Create image pulling secret -  add Arns option

  10. Click Next to proceed, enter the desired policy name, and then click the Create policy button.

    Create image pulling secret - create policy button

  11. The newly created permission policy will appear in the Permission policies section.

    Create image pulling secret - permission policies

Step 6 - Create Task Definition

To create the task definition, follow the below instructions.

  1. Open this link and click the Create new task definition button.

    Create task definition - create new task definition button

  2. Fill in the Task definition family input box with the family name, provide the Docker image URI, and set up the port mapping for port 51980.

    Create task definition - family name, image uri, and port mapping

    Note: When using a private docker repository, you need to use the AWS Secrets Manager to create a docker image pulling secret. See the Private registry authentication for tasks - Amazon ECS help article for more information.

  3. Add the environment variables for the database settings, and click Next.

    Create task definition - add environment variable

    Note: The environment variable WEBSITE_HOSTNAME is mandatory for the license registration and it can take up any value, however, the value should be unique for your deployed environments. And, if you wish to use only one database to store all the data, add the environment variable SINGLE_DATABASE_MODE and set its value to True.

  4. Configure the environment using the settings shown in the image below.

    Create task definition - configure environment

  5. Under the Storage section, set the Amount to 50 and add three volumes wyn-conf, wyn-logs, and wyn-cached-data.

    Create task definition - add volumes 1

    Create task definition - add volumes 2,3

  6. Add three mount points with wyn-conf mounted to /wyn/Monitor/conf, wyn-logs mounted to /wyn/logs, wyn-cached-data mounted to /var/monetdb5/dbfarm and click Next.

    Create task definition - add mounts

  7. Review the task definition and click the Create button.

Step 7 - Create Task

To create an ECS task, follow the below instructions,

  1. Navigate to Clusters and select the cluster created earlier. Then, select the Services tab and click the Create button.

    Create Task - create service

  2. Under the Compute configuration section, select FARGATE from the Capacity provider dropdown and 1.4.0 from the Platform version dropdown.

    Create Task - compute configuration

  3. Under the Deployment configuration section, select the Task Definition Family created by you earlier and the latest version from the Revision dropdown.

    Create Task - deployment configuration

  4. Under the Networking section, select the VPC and security group created in the earlier steps, and then, click Create.

    Create Task - networking settings

  5. Once the service is created, navigate to the Tasks tab, and wait for the task status to change to Running. Subsequently, click on the task id.

    Create Task - task status

  6. Copy the public IP address of the task. You can now access Wyn Enterprise using the URL http://{task_public_ip}:51980.

    Create Task - public IP address