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License Wyn Enterprise

This topic describes the different types of licenses available in Wyn Enterprise.

Trial License

A Trial license can only be installed once on a server. When a server is installed, this license is automatically activated and should remain in memory even if the server is uninstalled. With the trial license, you have access to 'All Plugins' and there aren't any restrictions while using them. The license expires 30 days after the server is installed. The following banner is displayed on each portal based on certain conditions.

Remaining days


Active License (over 15 days)

You are running an evaluation version. Please contact Wyn Enterprise Sales to activate a full license.

Active License (within the last 15 days)

You are running an evaluation version. Your evaluation is due to expire in DD days. Please contact Wyn Enterprise Sales to activate a full license and prevent loss of functionality.

Expired license (more than 30 days)

Your evaluation has expired on MM/DD/YYYY. Please contact Wyn Enterprise Sales to purchase a full license.

If the license expires, you will no longer be able to create reports, dashboards, or data sources, and be unable to access the Designer or Viewer.

Annual Production license

This license will activate the Reports Plugin, Dashboard Plugin, or both. You can activate the same license key on up to three machines, and the number of activations can be increased if necessary. This license expires one year from the date of initial activation.

After the license expires, it gives you a grace period of 60 days to renew the license. Once the grace period is started, the following message appears on the Admin Portal 'Note: This server's license has expired on MM/DD/YYYY. Please renew immediately by contacting Wyn Enterprise Sales at wyn.sales@mescius.com. The server will stop working on MM/DD/YYYY. Renewals during the grace period reactivate the license based on the activation date rather than the renewal date. And, once the grace period is over, the expired Trial License status will revert to the License section of the System Management setting.

Perpetual Production License

This license will activate the Reports Plugin, Dashboard Plugin, or both. You can activate the same license key on up to three machines, and the number of activations can be increased if necessary. No expiration date is associated with this license. This license can be added to Wyn Enterprise after removing the annual license.

Note: If you have an invalid license for the current version, you should contact Wyn Enterprise Sales to ensure that you have the latest license key.

For detailed steps on online and offline license registration, online and offline refreshing of the license key, and deregistration of a license, refer to the License article.