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Installing on RHEL and CentOS

You can install Wyn Enterprise on RHEL and CentOS using the yum command.

  1. Install ASP.NET Core 6.0 Runtime library. The minimum supported version is 6.0.16.

    sudo rpm -Uvh https://packages.microsoft.com/config/centos/7/packages-microsoft-prod.rpm
    sudo yum install aspnetcore-runtime-6.0

    If you need to install AspNetCore runtime on RHEL 8, use the following command.

    sudo dnf install aspnetcore-runtime-6.0
  2. Install database server. The supported databases are PostgreSQL, SqlServer, MySQL, and Oracle. This step can be skipped if you want to install Wyn with the single-process mode and use "SQLite" as the data store.

  3. Configure the Yum repository - run the following command.

sudo bash -c 'echo "[wyn-7.0]
name=Wyn Enterprise
gpgcheck=0" > /etc/yum.repos.d/wyn-7.0.repo'
  1. Install Wyn Enterprise - run the following command.

    sudo yum install wyn-enterprise

  2. Configure Wyn Enterprise service - run the following command.

    sudo bash /opt/Wyn/Monitor/configure.sh

  3. Finish.

Silent Installation

To perform the silent installation, execute the script file 'install.sh' with the following arguments:

  • s: Indicates whether to perform the silent installation.

  • d: Refers to the database provider which you want to use for Wyn Enterprise. The supported database providers are 'Postgres', 'SqlServer', 'MySql', and 'Oracle'. Use the built-in database if this argument is not provided.

  • c: Refers to the database connection string.

  • o: Single database mode.

  • m: Refers to the modules that you want to install on the server. The available modules are 'Server', 'ReportingWorker', 'DashboardWorker', and 'CotWorker'.

  • i: Indicates whether to import the Wyn sample documents.

  • f: Refers to the location of the custom sample data. The custom sample data should be a zip file exported from the Wyn Enterprise system.

  • b: Refers to the back-end server's address. This argument must be provided if you do not want to install the 'Server' module on the server.

  • k: Refers to the license key that will be used for registering to the Wyn Enterprise system during the installation process.

  • a: The password of the user 'admin'.

  • v: Indicates the exact version number of Wyn Enterprise that you want to install on the server. The latest version of Wyn Enterprise will be installed if you do not specify this argument.

  • e: Encrypt the database connection string.

  • l: Install with the cluster mode, not single process mode.

  • h: Shows the help information.

To perform the silent uninstallation, execute the script file 'uninstall.sh' with the following arguments:

  • s: Indicates whether to perform the silent uninstallation. Use the interactive uninstallation mode if this argument is not provided. Also, this argument is optional.

  • r: Indicates whether to remove the built-in database when uninstalling Wyn Enterprise from the system.

  • f: Indicates whether to remove all the contents of Wyn Enterprise from the system.

Some Examples

  • To install all the modules with the default 'Postgres' database provider on this server and import the built-in documents, run the following command.

    sudo bash ./install.sh -si
  • To install all the modules with the specified 'MySql' database provider on this server and do not import the built-in documents, run the following command.

    sudo bash ./install.sh -s -d "MySql" -c "Server=localhost;Port=3306;Uid=root;Pwd=xA123456;"
  • To install the 'Server' and 'Portal' module with the default 'Postgres' database provider on this server and import the custom sample documents, run the following command.

    sudo bash ./install.sh -sm "Server,Portal" -if "/the/location/of/custom/sample/documents.zip"
  • To install modules 'ReportingWorker' and 'CotWorker' on this server, run the following command.

    sudo bash ./install.sh -sm "ReportingWorker,CotWorker" -b ""
  • To uninstall Wyn Enterprise, run the following command.

    sudo bash ./uninstall.sh -s
  • To uninstall Wyn Enterprise and force delete all its contents, run the following command.

    sudo bash ./uninstall.sh -sf
  • To uninstall Wyn Enterprise and remove the installed built-in database, run the following command.

    sudo bash ./uninstall.sh -sr

More Commands

  • To update the version.

    sudo yum update wyn-enterprise
  • To uninstall.

    sudo yum erase wyn-enterprise
  • To install a specific version.

    sudo yum install wyn-enterprise-{version}
  • To force downgrade package.

    sudo yum downgrade wyn-enterprise-{version}
  • To show the package information of installed Wyn Enterprise.

    yum info wyn-enterprise
  • To update the packages list.

    sudo yum clean all
    sudo yum makecache

Note: If you enabled SELinux (it is enabled by default on RHEL 8), please disable it manually and restart your server to make the Net Core application work.