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Switch Date Mode and Display Mode

You can switch the date mode and display mode in date range slicers when previewing the dashboard with the help of the following two properties:

  1. Allow Switch Date Mode

  2. Allow Switch Display Mode

    The default value for these two properties is False.

    date range slicer 2

Allow Switch Date Mode

  1. If the Allow Switch Date Mode is set to True, there is a new icon in the action bar.


    You can switch the date mode by selecting any mode in the popup.


    Note: When the Allow Switch Date Mode, is False, then in the preview you will view only that "Date Mode" which is selected in the designer.


The example below will show the use of the Allow Switch Date Mode property.

  1. On the designer, select the Date Mode as Date and keep the Allow Switch Date Mode property to False.


    On the preview, you will see Date Mode as Date only, and there will be no other option to change the Date Mode.


  2. Now on the designer, select the Date Mode as Date and set the Allow Switch Date Mode property to True.

    On the preview, you will see a new icon to switch the date mode by selecting any mode in the popup.


Allow Switch Display Mode

  1. If the Allow Switch Display Mode is enabled, there is a new icon in the action bar.


    This is a toggle button, and the display mode of the date range slicer will be changed by clicking this icon.


    Note: When the Allow Switch Display Mode, is False, then in the preview you will view only that "Display Mode" which is selected in the designer.


The example below will show the use of the Allow Switch Display Mode property.

  1. On the designer, select the Display Mode as Date Range and keep the Allow Switch Display Mode property to False.


    On the preview, you will see Date Display as Date Range only and there will be no other option to change the Display Mode.


  2. Now on the designer, select the Display Mode as Date Range and set the Allow Switch Display Mode property to True.

    On the preview, you see a new toggle button and the display mode of the date range slicer will be changed by clicking this icon. Here in this example, it is changed from Date Range to Date.


Conversion rules

If the slicer has a value before changing the date mode, you can convert the value to a new value in order to match the new date mode.

Rule 1: Display Mode selected is Date

When Display Mode is selected as Date and Date Mode is selected as Date. Now in the preview, you change the date mode to an option other than Date, then the conversion rules listed in the table below will be applicable.










It will change to the first quarter of the year.

Example: 2022 will change to 2022 Q1

It will change to first month of the year.

Example: 2022 will change to 2022 Jan

It will change to the first date of the year.

Example: 2022 will change to 2022/01/01

It will change to first second of the year.

Example: 2022 will change to 2022/01/01 00:00:00


It will change to the year of the quarter in.

Example: 2022 Q1 will change to 2022


It will change to the first month of the quarter.

Example: 2022 Q1 will change to 2022 Jan

It will change to the first date of the quarter.

Example:2022 Q1 will change to 2022/01/01

It will change to the first second of the quarter.

Example: 2022 Q1 will change to 2022/01/01 00:00:00


It will change to the year of the month in.

Example:2022 Jan will change to 2022

It will change to the quarter of the month in. Example: 2022 Jan will change to 2022 Q1


It will change to the first date of the month.

Example: 2022 Jan will change to 2022/01/01

It will change to the first second of the month.

Example: 2022 Jan will change to 2022/01/01 00:00:00


It will change to the year of the date in.

Example: 2022/01/01 will change to 2022

It will change to the quarter of the date in.

Example: 2022/01/01 will change to 2022 Q1

It will change to the year of the date in.

Example: 2022/01/01 will change to 2022 Jan


It will change to the first second of the month.

Example: 2022 Jan will change to 2022/01/01 00:00:00


It will change to the year of the date-time in.

Example: 2022/01/01 10:00:00 will change to 2022

It will change to the quarter of the date time in.

Example: 2022/01/01 10:00:00 will change to 2022 Q1

It will change to the year of the date-time in.

Example: 2022/01/01 10:00:00 will change to 2022 Jan

It will change to the date of the date-time in.

Example: 2022/01/01 10:00:00 will change to 2022/01/01


Example: If the current Date Mode is Year, and the selected year is 2022.


Now switch the date mode to Month, by default, the selected date will be changed to 2022 Jan.


Rule 2: Display Mode selected is Date Range

When Display Mode is selected as Date Range and Date Mode is selected as Date. Now in the preview, you change the date mode to an option other than Date, then the conversion rules listed in the table below will be applicable.










Date range will change from the first quarter of the start year


the last quarter of the end year.

Date range will change from the first month of the start year


the last month of the end year.

Date range will change from the first date of the start year


the last date of the end year.

Date range will change from the first second of the start year


the last second of the end year.


Date range will change from the year of the start quarter in


the year of the end quarter in.


Date range will change from the first month of the start quarter in


the last month

Date range will change from the first date of the start quarter


the last date of the end quarter of the end quarter in.

Date range will change from the first second of the start quarter


the last second of the end quarter.


Date range will change from the year of the start month in


the year of the end month in.

Date range will change from the quarter of the start month in


the quarter of the end month in.


The Date range will change from the first date of the start month


the last date of the end month.

Date range will change from the first second of the start month


the last second of the end month.


Date range will change from the year of the start date in


the year of the end date in.

Date range will change from the quarter of the start date in


the quarter of the end date in.

Date range will change from the month of the start date in


the month of the end date in.


The Date range will change from the first second of the start date


the last second of the end date.


Date range will change from the year of the start date time in


the year of the end date time in.

Date range will change from the quarter of the start date time in


the quarter of the end date time in.

Date range will change from the month of the start date time in


the month of the end date time in.

Date range will change from the date of the start date time in


the date of the end date time in.


Example: If the current Date Mode is Year, and the selected year is 2019-2022.


Now switch the date mode to Month, by default, the selected date range will be changed to 2019 Jan to 2022 Dec.


Custom Range and Quick Ranges

When the Display Mode selected is Date Range, then on the preview, you can see the options for the Quick Ranges and Custom Range.


You can set the custom range from here by selecting the Date Unit and its related options and clicking the OK button.

Quick Range: You can set this from the dashboard designer under the Inspector tab, by clicking the Add option for the Quick Ranges.


Set Quick Range dialog box is displayed.


You can set the quick range and click the OK button. In this example we have selected Date Unit as Previous Month.

Inner Border

You can set the color and size of the inner border of the Date Range Slicer.

To customize the inner border, perform the following steps:

Select the Date Range Slicer, navigate to the Inspector tab, and under the Slicer Style:

  • Pick the color from the color picker against the field Inner Border Color, to set the inner border color.

  • Click the plus or minus icons on the field Inner Border Size, to set the size of the inner border. The maximum value is 100 and the default value is 1.

    inner border property

    In the below example, we have selected the Inner Border Color as Blue and the Inner Border Size as 8.

    inner border set

    Note: Inner Border Color and Inner Border Size properties are supported by Date Range Slicer, Multi-dimensional Slicer, and Multi-dimensional Dropdown Slicer.