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Composite Slicer

Composite Slicers help you to add a series of filter criteria by using the And/Or relationship between these filter conditions when previewing the dashboard to meet your data analysis requirements. Unlike other slicers, composite slicers allow you to add filter conditions and filtering fields at preview instead of design time.

Example: In this example, a series of filter criteria were added through a combination of filters when previewing the dashboard. The dashboard below shows the sum of units in stock by product name with the following filter conditions applied while previewing the dashboard:

  • ProductName In Aniseed Syrup, Chai, Chang

  • AND

  • SupplierID = 1

There is an And relationship between these filter conditions, and all the data that meet the above conditions will be filtered out as shown below in the image.

example 1 for intro

Steps to add a Composite Slicer

You can add the composite slicer in the designer, but they are only available when previewing.

Follow the steps given below to add a composite slicer.

  1. From the Slicers node, drag-drop the Composite Slicer on the design area.

    drag composite slicer

  2. On the data binding panel, select the dataset or data model for the corresponding fields you want to use at the preview for filtering.

    bind dataset1

    Note: Composite filter and Scenario on which you want to apply the filter should have the same dataset/data model binding.

  3. Drag a Column Chart and on the data binding area, choose an appropriate dataset and then select an attribute for the Values and Axis (Category) fields. For example, in the following image, we have selected the UnitsInStock for the Values field and ProductName for Axis(Category) field.

    bind column chart

  4. Preview the dashboard. The column chart will display the Sum of UnitsIn Stock for all the products. On the composite slicer, you will see the options to add the filter conditions.

    add filter option on preview

  5. To add the filters, click the +Add Filter button Add filter button and click the Choose Field drop-down button to display the fields in the dataset or model.

    choose field value

  6. Select the condition and add the value. In this example we have applied the following filter conditions:

  • ProductName In: Aniseed Syrup, Chai, Chang

  • SupplierID = 1

    select field for filter

Based on the field type, the available conditions vary as described below in the table.

Field Type

Options Available


Contains, Does Not Contain, Start With, Does Not Start With, End With, Does Not End With, Equal, Not Equal,In, Not In

Numeric Value

Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In


Earlier Than, Earlier Than or Equal, Later Than, Later Than or Equal, In, Not In

  1. There is an And relationship between these filter conditions, and all data that only meet the above conditions will be filtered out.

  2. Once the settings are complete, click the Submit button for the filter to take effect.

    filter applied

    You can modify filter conditions, delete the filter entries, or adjust the item relationships. Hover over the filter to display the Delete button and click to delete the filter.


Customize Appearance

You can customize the appearance of the Composite Slicer scenario using the Inspector Panel properties on the right side of the dashboard designer window, listed and described in the following tables.




Filter Font

Set the family, size, color, thickness, and style of the fonts of the filter conditions on the composite slicer using this property.

Delete Button Color

Set the color of the Delete button of the composite slicer filter.

Odd Rows

Set the color of the odd rows in the composite slicer filter conditions.

Even Rows

Set the color of the even rows in the composite slicer filter conditions.

Filter Style





Set the family, size, color, thickness, and style of the fonts of the operator button (Add Filter, Submit) of the composite slicer using this property.

Background Color

To set the background color of the operator buttons (Add Filter, Submit) of the composite slicer, select a color from the color palette.

Border Color

To set the border color of the operator buttons (Add Filter, Submit) of the composite slicer, select a color from the color palette.

Border Width

Set the width of the border of the operator buttons (Add Filter, Submit) of the composite slicer, using this property.

Border Radius

Set a border radius of the operator buttons (Add Filter, Submit) of the composite slicer, using this property.

OPerator button style





Set the family, size, color, thickness, and style of the fonts of the relation button (Add Filter, Submit) of the composite slicer using this property.

Background Color

To set the background color of the relation button (And, Or) of the composite slicer, select a color from the color palette.

Border Color

To set the border color of the relation button (And, Or) of the composite slicer, select a color from the color palette.

Border Width

Set the width of the border of the relation button (And, Or) of the composite slicer, using this property.

Border Radius

Set a border radius of the relation button (And, Or) of the composite slicer, using this property.

relation button style




Entrance Animation

Select an option from the dropdown to set the animation style of the appearance of the composite slicer scenario. After selecting an option (SlideInDown, SlideInLeft, SlideInRight, SlideInUp, BackInDown, BackInLeft, BackInRight, BackInUp,FadeIn, FadeInDown, FadeInLeft, FadeInRight, FadeInUp,BounceIn, BounceInUp, BounceInDown, BounceInLeft, BounceInRight,LightSpeedInLeft, LightSpeedInRight, RotateIn, RotateInDownLeft, RotateInDownRight, RotateInUpLeft, RotateInUpRight, ZoomIn,ZoomInDown, ZoomInLeft, ZoomInRight, or ZoomInUp ) from the dropdown, set the delay and duration of the animation using the Delay(s) and Duration(s) properties respectively.





Scenario Name

Add a name to the composite slicer scenario using this property.

Visible Menu Items

Select the filtering and sorting options you wish to display on the composite slicer scenario from the dropdown.





Show Title

To hide the title of the composite slicer scenario set this property to False. By default, this property is set as True.


Add or edit the title of the composite slicer scenario using this property.


Select the Left, Center, or Right alignment of the title.

Title Font Setting

Set the font family, size, color, weight, and style of the title using the Title Font Setting options.


To create space around the title of the composite slicer scenario use the Padding property. It supports Padding Left, Padding Top, Padding Right, and Padding Bottom. Their values can be different.





Show Null As

Set the content to display in place of null data in the composite slicer scenario using this property.

Show Blank As

Set the content to display in place of blank data in the composite slicer scenario using this property.

Special Data




X Position

Set the horizontal position of the composite slicer scenario using this property.

Y Position

Set the vertical position of the composite slicer scenario using this property.


Set the width of the composite slicer scenario using this property. You can set the minimum width up to 8.


Set the height of the composite slicer scenario using this property. You can set the minimum height up to 8.





Style Template

Select a template from the dropdown to apply a style to the composite slicer scenario.

Background Color

Set a background color of the composite slicer scenario using this property.


To create space around the composite slicer scenario, set a padding value.


Set the margin value for the composite slicer scenario using this property.


To hide the composite slicer from the dashboard scenario, set this property to False. By default, the Visibility property is set as True.

Background Image

Add an embedded, shared, or external image as a background image to the composite slicer scenario.


Set the border type, border color, and thickness using this property.


Create a shadow of the composite slicer scenario by setting the Shadow Type, Shadow Color, and thickness.
