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Heat Map

Heat Map is used to visually represent the density or intensity of data on a map. Heat map uses a color gradient typically ranging from cooler colors (like red or cyan) to warmer colors (like blue or green) to indicate the level of activity or concentration of an attribute in an area. Where the cooler colors represent lower values, while the warmer colors represent higher values. A heat map is a powerful tool for visually analyzing spatial information, and providing valuable insights into the characteristics and trends within a geographic region.

Heat Map scenario

Design a Heat Map

To add a Heat Map to your dashboard scenario, switch to the Resource Portal or Document Portal and follow the below instructions,

  1. Use the + (create button) and click the Create Dashboard option to access the dashboard designer.

    Create a Dashboard

  2. Navigate to the Data Visualization tools and drag and drop the Heat Map scenario onto the dashboard designer area.

    Add a Heat Map scenario to Dashboard

Bind Dataset to the Heat Map

With the heat map scenario selected, navigate to the Data Binding panel and select a dataset from the dropdown to bind to the scenario. When the dataset loads successfully, the data binding panel automatically expands and displays the data attributes available for data binding. Drag and drop the appropriate data fields in the Region or Latitude and Longitude data containers. Drag and drop other appropriate fields in the Heat Color (is a value and is mandatory), Tooltip, and Drill Down Path data fields as well. See the help article on the Drill Down feature for more information on drilling down into hierarchical data.

Bind data to Heat Map

Format Data Attributes

You can perform various operations to format the data attributes on a bubble map and control the display of data. Use the settings icon in the data field containers to format the data attributes. The following operations are included in the Bubble Map scenario,

  • Aggregation Method: Use the Aggregation Method option to display a summarized value by aggregating multiple data attribute values. Aggregation Method supports Sum, Average, Min, Max, Count, and Distinct Count methods. See the Aggregation Method help topic for more information.

  • Quick Functions: Use the Quick Functions option to highlight key indicators in your scenario by applying powerful calculation on measures. Quick Functions in KPI Kanban support Ranking Calculation, Percentile Calculation, Running Calculation, Moving Calculation, and Original Value. See the Quick Functions help article for more information.

  • Display Unit: Use the Display Unit option to display units of measure and eliminate ambiguity. See the Modify Display Unit help article for more information.

  • Filter: The Filter option displays relevant data in your chart scenario. See the Filter Data help article for more information.

  • Rename: Use the Rename option to change the name of a data attribute to make it comprehensible and meaningful. See the Rename a Data Attribute help article for more information.

  • Remove: Use the Remove option to remove a data attribute from the chart scenario.

    Format data attributes of a Heat Map

Analyze Data

Wyn Dashboards scenarios support rich data analysis and exploration capabilities to help you analyze massive amounts of information and make data-driven decisions. Following analysis operations are available in the Action Bar corresponding to each scenario in the designer,

  • Filter: To filter out relevant data in your chart scenario. See the Filter Data help article, for information on using the filter options in a dashboard scenario.

  • Conditional Visualization: To filter, compare, and rant the data in a dashboard scenario. See the Conditional Visualization help article for information on using various visualization options.

    Analyze the data of the Heat Map

Customize Appearance

You can customize the appearance of a Heat Map scenario using the Inspector Panel properties on the right side of the dashboard designer window, listed and described in the following tables,




Show Base Map

To enable or disable the reference map use the Show Base Map property. In Wyn Enterprise, Mapbox GIS is used as a base map. By default, the value of this property is set to True.

Display Area

Select an option from the dropdown,

- Auto: Automatically controls the map range that displays all data points.

- By Area: Displays the area selector on the map. When you click on a bubble, the map boundary range will display the selected area bubble.

- By Longitude & Latitude: You can manually set the area bubbles' zoom level, longitude, and latitude. When the By Longitude & Latitude option is selected the Zoom Level, Longitude, and Latitude properties will appear in the Inspector Panel as described below,

  • Zoom Level: Set the default zoom level for the map ranging between 2 to 16.

  • Longitude: Set a longitude value using the slider or the input box.

  • Latitude: Set a latitude value using the slider or the input box.

Inspector Panel - Map Settings




Heat Color

Select a heat map color gradient using the Heat Color property.

Selection Color

When an item in the heat map is selected, a circle will display on the outer boundary of the selected item. Use the Selection Color property to set the color of the circle.

Heat Size

Set the heat size radius using the Heat Size property. The value of the Heat Size varies from 0 to 100. The larger the number, the bigger the radius of the heat map.

Inspector Panel - Heat Map Style




Scenario Name

Add a name to the map scenario using this property.

Cross Filter

To disable the filtered data throughout the dashboard, set this property to False. Cross filters provide a simplified and deeper analysis of what you want to observe. By default, the value of the Cross Filter property is set to True.

Jump To

To create a shortcut to another dashboard scenario, report, or URL use this property. See the Jump To help article for more information.

Auto Refresh

Select None, Polling, or Real Time option from the dropdown to set the refresh rate of the map data. Dropdown options are described below,

- None: Select None to disable auto-refresh of the map data.

- Polling: Select Polling to enable auto refresh and set an interval to refresh map data in the Refresh Interval property.

- Real Time: Select Real-time to display the data in real-time.

Visible Menu Items

Select the filtering and sorting options you wish to display on the map scenario from the dropdown.

Pin Annotation

To pin the annotation to the map scenario, set this property to True. By default, this property is set as False.

Context Menu Actions

Select multiple Context Menu Options from the dropdown. Context Menu Options include - Keep, Exclude, Drill Down, Jump, and Add Data Monitoring.

Click Action

Select None, Keep, Exclude, or Jump option from the dropdown to perform an action on click.

Single Selection

To allow single selection of map items, set this property to True. By default, this property is set to *False.

Inspector Panel - Interaction




Show Data Label

To display data labels set the Show Data Label property to True. On enabling the Show Data Labels property Show Location, Show Measure, Display Mode, and Data Label Font Setting properties appear in the Inspector Panel. By default, the value of the Show Data Label property is set to False.

Show Location

To disable the region or latitude and longitude display on the map, set the Show Location property to False. By default, the value of the Show Location property is set as True.

Show Measure

To disable the measure of the heat map value, set the Show Measure property to False. By default, the value of the Show Measure property is set as True.

Display Mode

Select an option from the dropdown to display the data labels. Smart option displays the maximum value and the All option displays all data labels in the region.

Data Label Font Setting

Set the font family, font size, font color, font weight, and font style of the data labels using this property.

Inspector Panel - Data Labels




Show Title

To hide the title of the map scenario set this property to False. By default, this property is set to True.


Add or edit the title of the map scenario using the Title property.


Select Left, Center, or Right alignment option of the title from the dropdown.

Title Font Setting

Set the font family, size, color, weight, and style of the title using the Title Font Setting options.


To create space around the title of the map scenario use the Padding property. You can set the following: Padding Left, Padding Top, Padding Right, and Padding Bottom.

Inspector Panel - Title




X Position

Set the horizontal position of the map scenario on the dashboard using the X Position property.

Y Position

Set the vertical position of the map scenario on the dashboard using the Y Position property.


Set the width of the map scenario using the Width property.


Set the height of the map scenario using the Height property.

Inspector Panel - Layout




Style Template

Select a template from the dropdown to apply a style to the map scenario.

Background Color

Set a background color of the map scenario using this property.


To create space around the map scenario, set a padding value.


Set the margin value for the map scenario using this property.


To hide the map from the dashboard, set this property to False. By default, the Visibility property is set as True.

Background Image

Add an embedded, shared, or external image as a background image to the map scenario.


Set the border type, border color, and thickness using this property.


Create a shadow of the map scenario by setting the Shadow Type, Shadow Color, and Thickness.

Entrance Animation

Select an option from the dropdown to set the animation style of the appearance of the map scenario on the dashboard. After selecting an option from the dropdown, set the delay and duration on the animation using the Delay(s) and Duration(s) properties respectively.

Inspector Panel - Appearance