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Column Chart

Column charts are used to compare categorical data through vertical bars with categories plotted on x-axis and data values along the vertical axis. Column charts find applications where the number of values is too large to be used on an x-axis. For example, the population share of different countries across the globe can be represented using a column chart.

In this video tutorial, we will show you how to create and customize each type of column chart in Wyn Enterprise.

Wyn Enterprise supports the following types of column charts.

Column Chart Column Chart Icon: It is used to compare categorical data through the vertical bars, where length of each bar represents the value of the corresponding category.

Column Chart

Range Column Chart Range Column Chart: It is similar to a column chart where each bar represents the difference between the minimum and maximum values for each category.

Range Column Chart

Stacked Column Chart Column Chart Icon: It is used to display the relationship of specific items to the whole across different categories and plot values in two-dimensional vertical rectangles. This chart stacks the data series vertically (in a vertical direction).

Stacked Column Chart

Percent Stacked Column Chart Column Chart Icon: It is used to perform comparisons of percentages that each of the values are contributing to the total, across all your categories in the spreadsheet. This chart stacks the data series vertically and also equalizes the plotted values to meet 100%. The plotted values are displayed in two-dimensional rectangles.

Percent Stacked Column Chart

Design a Column Chart in Wyn Enterprise

From the Dashboard Toolbox, open the Data Visualization node and drag-drop the Column Chart scenario onto the design area.

Adding a chart scenario from the Dashboard Toolbox

Bind Dataset to Chart Scenario

With the scenario selected, from the Data Binding tab, select the dataset. Once the dataset is successfully loaded in the designer, the data binding panel automatically expands and displays the data attributes available in the dataset.

The following image shows the chart scenario bound to the 'TechnologyDataset' dataset.

Adding a dataset to chart scenario

On dragging and dropping the data attributes to the data binding area of the scenario, the chart is plotted accordingly, with a default chart title on the design area.

Chart Scenario with bound attributes

Format Data Attributes

You can format the data attributes in a dataset by performing a variety of operations such as renaming, modifying data format and display unit, creating a hierarchy field, applying an aggregation method, etc. Using these operations, you can control the display of data attributes in a scenario.

For more information about these operations, see Data Attributes.

The following image shows the Display Unit property for the value axis and data labels in a chart set to 'Thousands'.

Formatting fields in a chart

Analyze Data

Wyn Dashboards scenarios support rich data analysis and exploration capabilities that can help analyze massive amounts of information and make data-driven decisions. For example, adding filters to scenarios, sorting data, reference lines, trend lines, etc. Note that you can apply all these operations using the Action Bar corresponding to each scenario in the designer.

For more information, see Data Analysis and Interactivity in Dashboards.

The following image shows relevant data by applying filtering on data in the chart scenario for the following months i.e. Jan, Feb, Mar, and Apr.

Filtered data in a scenario

Customize Appearance

You can customize the default chart appearance by setting properties in the Inspector tab of the scenario such as adding a border, modifying data labels, setting chart style, renaming chart title, setting corner radius, etc.

General Settings

  1. Change Axis Scale
    To customize the scale values for the Value axis of a chart scenario, select the axis and set the Max Value, Min Value, or Interval properties.
    Changing Axis Scale

  2. Reverse Value Axis Position
    To reverse the direction of the Value Axis, set the Reversed property to True. By default, this property is set as False.
    Reverse Value Axis Position

  3. Change Axis Position

    • Axis (Category): To change the position of the Category Axis, use the Axis Position property dropdown to select an option from Crosses, Bottom, or Top. When Crosses is selected, Axis Crosses property appears below the Axis Position property where you can enter a value at which the Category Axis crosses the Value Axis.
      Change Axis Position of Category Axis

    • Value Axis: To change the position of the Value Axis, use the Axis Position property dropdown to select an option from Left or Right.
      Change Axis Position of Value Axis

  4. Show Axis Lines
    To hide the axis lines of the Value or Category Axis, set the Show Axis Line property to False. By default, this property is set as True. You can also specify the width, color, and type (solid or dashed) of the axis lines using the Axis Line Width, Axis Line Color, and Axis Line Type properties.
    Show Axis Lines

  5. Show Grid Lines
    To display horizontal and vertical grid lines in a chart scenario, set the Show Grid Lines property of the Value Axis and Axis (Category) to True. By default, this property is set as False. You can also specify the width, color, and type (solid or dashed) of the grid lines using the Grid Line Width, Grid Line Color, and Grid Line Type properties.
    Show Grid Lines

  6. Format Axis Titles
    You can show or hide axis titles for a chart by using the Show Title property for the Value and Category axes. When you set Show Title property to 'True', the axis titles are enabled. Wyn Dashboards set data attributes' names as the axis titles. You can provide a custom name to the axis title by renaming the attributes in the data binding area. For more information on renaming data attributes, see the topic on Rename an Attribute.
    Changing Axis Titles

Advanced Settings

  1. Analyze Multivariate Data
    In complex Chart scenarios, you may want to analyze multivariate data. With Wyn Dashboards, you can easily establish potential relationships and correlations between multiple data attributes for such analysis.

    For example, if you want to analyze the number of tickets by ticket types and priorities, you need to bind the Axis (Category) to multiple dimensions, that is, TicketType and Priority in the data binding area as shown.

    Visualizing multivariate data

  2. Set Corner Radius
    Round corners make the charts look more modern and appealing. You just need to specify the value of the radius in Corner Radius property for the rounded corners. This property lets you change the default square-shaped corners in a chart to rounded corners as shown.

    Setting the radius for rounded corners in a chart

  3. Add Series Total
    To improve your chart’s readability, you can display the total values for each category in a series using the Show Series Total property. On setting this property to True, the data values for each category are summed up and displayed as a separate data label floating on top of the chart as shown. You can also customize the appearance of the total’s label by changing its background color, position, font size, display unit, etc.

    Displaying series total in a column chart

    Note: This feature is only available in the column and stacked column charts.